Л. І. Бадєєва


У статті розкриваються питання воєнних дій періоду Другої світової війни 1941–1943 рр., які визначили долю жителів села Рогань. Так як село було розташоване поблизу обласного центру Харкова, то населення села пережили всі широкомасштабні операції з оборони та кілька спроб звільнення стратегічно важливого промислового міста. Наприкінці ХХ – на поч. ХХІ ст. були опубліковані збірники документів з військових архівів України, Росії, Німеччини, що дало можливість автору провести додатковий аналіз військових дій з оборони та звільненню Рогані.

Ключові слова: Рогань, жителі, окупація, звільнення.


В статье раскрываются вопросы военных действий  периода Второй мировой войны 1941–  1943 гг., которые определили судьбу жителей села Рогань. Так как село было расположено вблизи областного центра Харькова,  то  население  села  пережили  все  широкомасштабные  операции  по  обороне  и  несколько  попыток освобождения стратегически важного промышленного города. В конце ХХ – нач. XXI вв. были опубликованы сборники  документов  из  военных  архивов  Украины,  России,  Германии,  что  позволило  автору  провести дополнительный анализ военных действий по обороне и освобождению Рогани.

Ключевые слова: Рогань, жители, оккупация, освобождение.

 The article reveals the issues of hostilities during the Second World War of 1941-1943, which determined the fate of the inhabitants of Rohan village. Since the village was located near the regional center of Kharkiv, the village population has survived all large-scaledefense operations and several attempts to liberate a strategically important industrial city. At the end of XX – at the beginning of XXI century there were published collections of documents from the military archives of Ukraine, Russia, Germany, which gave the author an opportunity to conductanad ditionalan alysis of military operations on defense and liberation of Rohan.

Rogan village was founded by landowners and was part of Slobozhanshchyna. In the interwar period, the village becomes anagro-industrial town. In 1937 there were more than 6.5 thousand inhabitants in Rohan.

As a result of the industrialization policy, Kharkiv becomes one of the most developed regions, giant plants have grown in the territory of our region: the Kharkiv tractor plant, the machinetool factory, the turbinegenerating plant, the cuttingtools plant, the electrotechnical plant, etc. There fore, the battles for Kharkiv region were especially cruel.

 Residents of Rohan during the Second World War survived two periods of the Nazioccupation: from October 23, 1941 to February 16, 1943, and from March 10 to August 16, 1943. The inhabitants of Rohan were involved in the construction of defense fortifications around Kharkiv. The first attempt to liberate Kharkiv in May 1942 ended tragically – tens of thousands of soldiers and officers died, the enemy occupied the new districts of Ukraine. The prolongation of the occupation period for the inhabitants of the village meantan in crease in the number of young girls and boys who were taken to hard labor in Germany. In the temporarily liberated territories of Kharkiv region in February 1943, mobilization was conducted in the ranks of the RedArmy. The author succeeded inresearch ingthenames of the inhabitants of Rohan who had justbeen mobilized and on February 16, 1943, they fought in the region between Rohan railway station and the village of KhTZ, where they perished, as wellas the names of the villagers who gave their lives to liberate Liubotyn in February-March 1943. In the course of the battle for the final liberation of Rohan, 300 Soviets oldiers and officers were killed by the invaders. The author gives the names of the private and the officer who were distinguished in a fierce battle for the final liberation of the village. At the fronts of the Second World War, more than 500 inhabitants of Rohan perished.

Key words: Rogan, residents, occupation, liberation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1476695


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