Н. П. Москальова


У статті розглянуто питання розвитку інституту з січня по грудень 1955 р. на основі аналізу наказів директора інституту: структурні зміни, зарахування студентів в інститут, призначення їм стипендій, визначення тем дипломних робіт і керівників дипломного проектування, направлення студентів на дипломну та виробничу практику, розподіл асигнувань на ремонтні та науково-дослідні роботи.

Ключові слова: студенти, вища сільськогосподарська освіта, накази, стипендія.


В статье рассмотрены вопросы развития института с января по декабрь 1955 г. на основе анализа приказов директора института: структурные изменения, зачисление студентов в институт, назначение стипендий, определение тем дипломных работ и руководителей дипломного проектирования, направление студентов на дипломную и производственную практику; распределение ассигнований на ремонтные и научно-исследовательские работы.

Ключевые слова: студенты, высшее сельскохозяйственное образование, приказы, стипендия.


Consideration was given to the issues related to the evolution of the institution throughout the period of January to December 1955, based on the analysis of the orders issued by the director of the Institution with regard to structural changes (the formation of departments and faculties), the election of academicians and the appointment of the heads of structural subdivisions, the matriculation of students to the institute, and also awarding scholarships, exempting from payments for the education, including issues related to the habitation of students at hostels, providing payments for students living in rented apartments, as well as the specific issues of the expulsion of students from the institution of education, motivations and punishments, defining the topics for the degree thesis and appointing the managers of the thesis design, sending students to undergo practical training and graduation practice, and the allocation of finances required for the repair and research work. According to the analysis of the orders, almost 150 students and teachers were given government awards for their participation in the development of virgin and long-fallow lands in Kazakhstan. Many graduating students we issued assignments to work in the regions of the development of virgin lands. The orders familiarized the employees with the decisions of superior authorities, in particular with the orders of the Minister of Higher Education. The orders issued in April and October congratulated students and employees of the institute on public holidays. The orders also specified the main lines of the vital activity of the institution and authenticated the active participation of students and teachers in the life of the country.

Keywords: students, higher agricultural education, orders, assignment.

Повний текст:



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