Г. В. Скрипчук


У статті висвітлюються деякі аспекти регулювання державної культурної політики України періоду незалежності, вказані основні особливості та недоліки культурної політики сьогодення. Надано аналіз правового забезпечення країн Європейського Союзу та незалежної України.

Ключові слова: правове забезпечення, правове регулювання, незалежна Україна, культура, законодавча база, нормативно-правові документи, Закон України, правові акти.


В статье освещаются некоторые аспекты регулирования государственной культурной политики Украины периода независимости, указаны основные особенности и недостатки культурной политики современности. Дан анализ правового обеспечения стран Европейского Союза и независимой Украины.

Ключевые слова: правовое обеспечение, правовое регулирование, независимая Украина, культура, законодательная база, нормативно-правовые документы, Закон Украины, правовые акты.


Legal support of the sphere of culture is one of the main issues in the study of problems of state cultural policy. This is primarily due to the recognition of legislation as an effective policy mechanism of the state in the field of culture and the main lever of its implementation in society. The legal regulation of cultural policy in Ukraine during the period of independence is carried out in complex and contradictory conditions of social stratification, transformation of human perceptions of values, and the absence of a nation-wide consolidating idea. Therefore, in such conditions, of course, the role of the cultural component of society necessarily increases. Because culture is the social foundation and core that can ensure the stability of the development of society, consolidate the state and society in solving the most important issues and problems. It should be noted that the legal regulation of cultural policy is a permanent and extremely fast and dynamic process of achieving the goals, which involves various state authorities and civil society institutions. An integral part of the implementation of such a policy is to determine the mechanism for its implementation, which in-cludes a set of tools, methods and resources that ensure the implementation of planned activities in accordance with the objectives. Thus, the reform of the whole sphere of culture and its legal provision is one of the main tasks of both humanitarian policy and the policy of socio-economic development of Ukraine, the construction of a modern democratic state on the basis of universal values, preserving original traditions and cultural and historical values. As well as qualitative updating of the institutional and legal framework of the state cultural policy, rapid and effective changes in the creation of a new model of management and the search for effective mechanisms corresponding to the current financing needs, the cultural policy will remain unsystematic and suffering from the political situation, does not correspond to the social request Ukrainian dynamically developing society. One of the most important directions of such reforms should be the decentralization of cultural policy, which will help to overcome inequalities in the cultural development of the country’s regions, the construction of Ukrainian national identity, and the consolidation of the European progress of our country.

Key words: legal support, legal regulation, independent Ukraine, culture, legislative base, normative-legal documents, the Law of Ukraine, legal acts.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2600745


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