І. М. Вановська


У статті розглядається історія розвитку в Україні традиційно жіночих кустарних промислів у другій половині XIX – на початку XX ст. Показане різноманіття промислових занять українських жінок, дається характеристика найбільш важливих з них, визначається їхнє місце й роль у системі традиційно-побутової культури українського селянства. Аналізуються, систематизуються та реконструюються жіночі традиційні домашні промисли як феномен історичної спадщини України.

Ключові слова: Україна, жіночі домашні промисли, історична спадщина, українське селянство, трансформація суспільства, приватне підприємництво.


В статье рассматривается история развития в Украине традиционно женских кустарных промыслов во второй половине XІX − начале XX в. Показанное многообразие промышленных занятий украинских женщин, дается характеристика наиболее важных из них, определяется их место и роль в системе традиционно-бытовой культуры украинского крестьянства. Анализируются, систематизируются и реконструируются женские традиционные домашние промыслы как феномен исторического наследия Украины.

Ключевые слова: Украина, женские домашние промыслы, историческое наследие, украинское крестьянство, трансформация общество, частное предпринимательство.


The article deals with the history of the development of traditional women’s handicrafts in Ukraine in the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The variety of industrial classes of Ukrainian women is shown, the characteristic of the most important of them is given, their place and role in the system of traditional-domestic culture of the Ukrainian peasantry is determined. Women’s traditional home-grown crafts are analyzed, systematized and reconstructed as a phenomenon of the historical heritage of Ukraine. It turns out that during the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. women’s household crafts and crafts were an integral part of home-classes for almost every Ukrainian family. For the Dnieper Ukraine this time is characterized by the intensification of liberal reforms and the market transformation of society. The Government’s course on the development of private entrepreneurship contributed to the further development of market relations, which was reflected throughout the peasantry of various forms of small business, including various handicrafts. At the same time, the role of women in households and crafts changed significantly. This activity of women in the sphere of small business gives an opportunity to judge how Ukrainian society managed to overcome stereotypes of the traditional patriarchal culture, to abandon old social structures and to develop a new philosophy and normative base of women’s household crafts in the course of liberal reforms. It is noted that in the Dnieper Ukraine in the first years of post-reform there were all the necessary objective and subjective preconditions for the wide development here of women’s industrial enterprise. Moreover, favorable conditions persisted throughout the period from 1861 to 1917. At the same time, the activity of state agencies, local zemstvos, various economic societies and numerous private patrons and investors played an increasingly important and active role in stimulating the development of women’s industry. Thus, the activity of national and provincial structures, based on the whole mass of socio-economic factors, collectively created the background in which the development of women’s aristocracy took place and which determined the dynamics, basic forms, socio-economic organization, the geography of female domestic industrial entrepreneurship, and as well as its place and weight in the economic and gender structure in Ukraine during the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. The results of this research correspond to the questions raised by the activation of the historical memory of the people, the growth of national consciousness, the public’s attention to the historical heritage, and the belief that traditional women’s domestic crafts can be considered a phenomenon of the historical heritage of Ukraine.

Key words: Ukraine, domestic household crafts, historical heritage, Ukrainian peasantry, society transformation, private entrepreneurship.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2600750


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