Л. В. Маслова


У статті досліджується процес заселення та основні етапи розвитку українства на території Слобідської України протягом другої половини ХVІІ – початку ХХІ ст. Доводиться, що на Слобідській Україні людина та людська спільнота завжди відігравали головну роль в соціально-економічному та етнокультурному просторі регіону. Вивчається основні етапи організації та діяльності громадських інституцій на Слобожанщині. Досліджується історія формування і сучасність етнокультурного суспільства на території Слобідської України як результату активної взаємодії національних культурних традицій та нових тенденцій характерних для Європейських країн. Ключові слова: Слобідська Україна, громадянське суспільство, людина праці, виробнича культура, соціально-економічний простір, етнічна культура, етнокультурний простір. В статье исследуется процесс заселения и основные этапы развития украинцев на территории Слободской Украины на протяжении второй половины ХVІІ - начала ХХІ ст. Доказывается, что на Слободской Украине человек и человеческое сообщество всегда играли главную роль в социально-экономическом и этнокультурном пространстве региона. Изучается основные этапы организации и деятельности общественных учреждений на Слобожанщине. Исследуется история формирования и современность этнокультурного общества на территории Слободской Украины как результат активного взаимодействия национальных культурных традиций и новых тенденций характерных для Европейских страна.

Ключевые слова: Слободская Украина, гражданское общество, человек труда, производственная культура, социально-экономическое пространство, этническая культура, этнокультурное пространство.


The article investigates the process of settlement and the main stages of Ukrainian development in the territory of Sloboda Ukraine during the second half of the XVII - the beginning of the XXI century. It has been argued that in Sloboda Ukraine, people and the human community have always played a major role in the socio-economic and ethno-cultural space of the region. The main stages of organization and activity of public institutions in Slobozhanshchyna are studied. The article examines the history of formation and the present of ethno-cultural society on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine as the result of active interaction of national cultural traditions and new trends typical of European countries. The article explores in detail the history of the formation of Ukrainian society on the territory of Slobodskaya Ukraine as a result of the active development of the national economy and traditional culture, education and spiritual creativity during the XVIIth - the beginning of the XXIth century, which largely allows us to assess the overall scale and dynamics of the historical process of the gradual growth of the role. a man in free Ukraine. The main idea of the research is to reconstruct the general laws and local features of the formation of the main aspects of the improvement of common human values and traditions in the socio-economic and ethno-cultural space of Sloboda Ukraine during the second half of the XVII - the beginning of the XXI century, as well as in the analysis of the peculiarities of the evolution of a multicultural society on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine. in the context of the gradual transition of major European countries from the assimilation model of the integration of ethnic cultures to the end multiculturalism. The article explores in detail the history of the formation of Ukrainian society on the territory of Slobodskaya Ukraine as a result of the active development of the national economy and traditional culture, education and spiritual creativity during the XVIIth - the beginning of the XXIth century, which largely allows us to assess the overall scale and dynamics of the historical process of the gradual growth of the role. a man in free Ukraine. The main idea of the research is to reconstruct the general laws and local features of the formation of the main aspects of the improvement of common human values and traditions in the socio-economic and ethno-cultural space of Sloboda Ukraine during the second half of the XVII - the beginning of the XXI century, as well as in the analysis of the peculiarities of the evolution of a multicultural society on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine. in the context of the gradual transition of major European countries from the assimilation model of the integration of ethnic cultures to the end multiculturalism. It can be stated that during the second half of the seventeenth and early twenty-first centuries. The person confidently occupied the main place in the socio-economic and ethnocultural space of Sloboda Ukraine. Important stages of the development of folk culture, education and spiritual creativity on the lands of Slobodskaya Ukraine as a factor in the formation of Lida society in the region are mainly continued and transformed at the beginning of the 20th century when new ethnocultural centers were formed in Kharkiv to study the phenomenon of the Slobozhans’kyi multicultural traditions. Teachers and students of Kharkiv University launched work on gathering monuments of material culture and oral folk art among the local population, and new scientific works on ethnography of Slobozhanshchyna began to be published. Famous academician D.I. The rich man argued that the traditional culture of the Slazobans consisted of several layers, which gradually evolved in the studied territory as a result of interpenetration, mutual influence, and also under the influence of important events in the historical past of Ukraine. We can state that the problems of the practical use of human knowledge, the increase in the efficiency of human research, today put forward on Slobozhanschiny the forefront of human activity, both on the forefront of the whole economy and modern culture. The present stage of the activity and development of human activity is characterized by Slobozhanschina’s systematic approach to the solution of complex scientific and technical problems, the circulation of the whole complex of social humanitarian, natural and technical phenomena. However, today it is clear that without human theoretical research it would not have been possible to develop such a rapid development of technology and technology, and without modern historical, philosophical and psychological comprehension of socio-economic and ethno-cultural development of Sloboda Ukraine, modern research would not be complete. The development of folk culture, education and spiritual creativity remained an important factor in the formation of human and human society in the lands of Sloboda Ukraine. The main fields of sloboda traditional folk culture, education and spiritual creativity were regulated by the use of customs that were fairly strict stereotyped forms of interaction between different ethnic groups associated with activities that had practical, everyday meaning. In the study of the evolution of the Slobozhansky ethno-cultural environment and society, the systematization of folk culture was carried out. The most important feature of the slobzhansky man and society for a long time was that it represented a symbiosis of many ethnic cultures. The whole life of the slave man as a MAN was self-realization, the acquisition of skills that helped to become successful, to be in demand by Ukrainian society and to bring it benefits and benefits to our native Ukraine.

Key words: Sloboda Ukraine, civil society, people of labor, industrial culture, socio-economic space, ethnic culture, ethno-cultural space.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2601560


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