О. М. Тавшунский


В статье автор анализирует влияние Англии и британцев на становление империи Леопольда II (Независимого государства Конго). Леопольд II вынужден был считаться с позицией Англии в колониальном вопросе, но умело использовал противоречия великих держав. Англия последней из них признала суверенные права Леопольда II на бассейн р. Конго, открыв путь к созданию Независимого государства Конго.

Ключевые слова: Леопольд II, Бельгия, Англия, Конго, колониальный вопрос


У статті автор аналізує вплив Англії та британців на становлення імперії Леопольда II (Незалежної держави Конго). Леопольд II вимушений був зважати на позицію Англії в колоніальному питанні, але уміло використовував протистояння великих держав. Англія останньою з них визнала суверенні права Леопольда II на басейн р. Конго, відкривши шлях до створення Незалежної держави Конго.

Ключові слова: Леопольд II, Бельгія, Англія, Конго, колоніальне питання


In the article the author analyses the influence of England and Britishers on formation of the empire of Leopold II (The Congo Free State). Practically from the moment of the creation in a foreign policy Belgium was oriented on England, so Leopold II was forced to consider the position of England in colonial question, but England in the indicated period supported Portugal in the basin of the Congo River. The main problem of Belgian king was a legal settlement of claims of the companies (such as International African Association, International Association of Congo) created by him on vast territory of Central Africa. Agreement between Portugal and Great Britain, in which last in an exchange for some economic advantages acknowledged Portuguese power on an atlantic coast and on both banks of Lower Congo, became the catalyst of intensifying of situation in the basin of the Congo River. Belgian diplomacy, combining the policy of lobbying, informative campaign and play on contradictions between the Great powers, was able to obtain for International Association of Congo the most favorable situation. USA, France, Germany and other european countries which trading interests were related to Central Africa protested against Anglo-Portuguese Agreement of 1884 in a question about the section of the basin of the Congo River, so as a part of british entrepreneurs. In order to save a parity in this matter England was forced to halt ratification of the mentioned agreement and soon renounced it, to turn to Belgium and to acknowledge sovereign rights of Leopold II on the Congo, opening a way to creation of the Congo Free State.

Key words: Leopold II, Belgium, England, Congo, colonial question.

Повний текст:



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Boulger D.S. The Congo State and the Growth of Civilization in Central Africa. London, 1898. 418 p.

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Emerson B. Leopold II of The Belgians: King of Colonialism. London, 1979. 324 p.

Meyer L.E. The farther frontier: six case studies of Americans and Africa, 1848-1936. Toronto, 1992. 267 p.

Wack H.W. The Story of the Congo Free State. New York & London, 1905. 634 p.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2601708


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