Н. О. Свистун


У статті аналізуються складнопідрядні речення з підрядними мети і причини як

різновиди речень розчленованої структури зі значенням зумовленості (на матеріалі романів Бориса Харчука ≪На майдані≫, ≪Межі і безмежжя≫). Представлено зразки подібних конструкцій у мові творів автора, засоби зв’язку для поєднання предикативних частин у них. Доведено, що в мові творів указані речення в цілісній текстурі з іншими видами речень активно функціонують і допомагають створити особливий, неповторний світ письменника.

Ключові слова: складнопідрядні речення, складнопідрядні речення розчленованого типу (розчленованої структури), складнопідрядні речення з підрядними мети, складнопідрядні речення з підрядними причини, сполучники.


В статье анализируются сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными цели и причины как разновидности предложений расчленённого типа со значением обусловленности (на материале романов Бориса Харчука ≪На майдане≫, ≪Границы и безграничность≫). Представлены образцы конструкций в языке произведений автора, средства связи для соединения предикативних частей в них. Доказано, что в тексте произведений подобные предложения в целостной структуре з другими видами предложений активно функционируют и помогают создать особый, неповторимый мир писателя.

Ключевые слова: сложноподчиненные предложения, сложноподчиненные предложения расчленённого типа (расчленённой структуры), сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными цели, сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными причины, союзы.


Relevance of research is due to the scientific need to systematize reasons of syntactic structures in the works of influencing the choice of the writer at work writing. On this basis, the need of clarifying the factors that influenced the choice of writer for writing the work is updated. This means that researchers pay attention not only to structural, semantic and communicative features of complex sentences, but special attention pay to the study of their writing potential. Of course, expressive features and functions of complex sentences that are directly involved in its formulation and design composition are shown in fiction. In the contextual environment we are able to explore more features of such syntactic structures. To constructions that were not the subject of this comprehensive analysis, are complex sentences with subordinate purposes and reasons as varieties of sentences dismembered with a meaning of condition in the novels by Boris Kharchuk ≪The Square≫, ≪Borders and Immensity≫. The object of our scientific research is complex sentences with subordinate purposes and reasons as a variety of sentences of segmented structure with the meaning of condition in the novels by Boris Kharchuk ≪The Square≫, ≪Borders and Immensity.≫ The aim of this research is to define the features of complex sentences with subordinate purposes and reasons in both kinds of sentences with segmented structure and their role in Boris Kharchuk’s texts. The aim involves the following tasks: describe the linguistic status of complex sentences with subordinate purposes and reasons (both kinds of sentences segmented structure with the meaning of condition in modern science); to analyze and justify the use of such structures (based on novels by Boris Kharchuk ≪The Square≫, ≪Borders and Immensity≫). Results and conclusions. At the material of Boris Kharchuk’s novels ≪The Square≫, ≪Borders and Immensity≫ 77 complex sentences with subordinate purpose are discovered, which is 45,8%, and 45 sentences of reasons, which is 26,8% of all complex sentences segmented structure with the meaning of condition. Monitoring the operation of complex sentences with subordinate purposes

in the works of Boris Kharchuk confirms their broad use. These statistical processing of complex sentences of this kind, drawn from novels, clearly show that they make up 45,8 % of all analyzed segmented structure of complex sentences with a meaning of condition. This sentence structures perform a variety of functions: help to express the position of the author as for depicted events, reveal the inner world of the hero, a true atmosphere of sincere conversation. Complex sentences with subordinate reason in the analyzed novels by B. Kharchuk are also represented, though not distinguished by the diversity of communication. They dominate in the stories of the characters, monologues and dialogues, landscape descriptions. These designs clearly eliminate ambiguity of complexity and provide high culture expression. General contractors and sentences with purpose and reason with contractors play an important role and are an integral part of the language system texts of B. Kharchuk. Their functioning, semantic and stylistic role is regulated by individual author’s style. Most sentences contain emotional and evaluative components, help to outline the spiritual ideals of the writer, his inner world and feelings. Certified units demonstrate the wealth of author’s artistic language. In this work we described only two types of sentences. Similar scientific research may be subject to further detailed studies and scientific interests.

Key words: complex sentence, complex sentence of dismembered type (segmented structure), complex sentence with subordinate purpose, complex sentences with subordinate reason, conjunction.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.48970


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