С. Б. Стасевський


Стаття присвячена видатному українському лінгвістові М.А. Жовтобрюху. Розглянуто основні напрями його наукового доробку, акцентується увага на ролі вченого у виробленні основних засад викладання української мови у вишах. Звернено увагу на проблему підготовки наукових кадрів вищої кваліфікації.

Ключові слова: науковий пошук, педагогічна діяльність, наукове наставництво, методична майстерність.


Статья посвящена выдающемуся украинскому лингвисту М.А. Жовтобрюху. Рассмотрено основные направления его научного наследия, акцентируется внимание на роли учёного в разработке принципов преподавания украинского языка в вузах. Обращено внимание на проблему подготовки научных кадров высшей квалификации.

Ключевые слова: научный поиск, педагогическая деятельность, научное наставничество, методическое мастерство.


Professor Mykhailo A. Zhovtobriyukh occupies a decent place among the pleiad of illustrious Ukrainian linguists. Wide variety of his scope and the multitude of his scientific investigations are really impressive. Mykhailo Zhovtobriyukh is the author of numerous scientific works, including textbooks on the Ukrainian language, its theoretical grammar, history and development. Mykhailo Zhovtobriyukh focused on grammar, lexical bulk of the Ukrainian language, its phonetic structure. His research of the Ukrainian periodics from its very birth and until the beginning of the XX century was a valuable contribution to the science. Mykhailo Zhovtobriykh also posessed good managerial abilities which were of great help when various scientific conferences were organized and held in Ukraine. Heated and fundamental discussions were characteristic of those conferences and workshops, where main priorities for the development of Ukrainian linguistics were set, and practical recommendations given. All his life Mykhailo Zhovtobriykh worked both as a scientist and as a lecturer. Several generations of students from different institutions of higher education in Ukraine were very lucky to attend his interesting lectures and get a precious word of advice on the methodology of the scientific research. Many postgraduate students from Kyiv and other regional scientific centers of Ukraine worked under him. M. Zhovtobriyukh`s educational experience allowed him to compile educational programms, scientific research plans, methodological recommendations, etc. which are still widely used at the departments of Ukrainian philology throughout Ukraine. All those who were lucky enough to associate with Mykhailo A. Zhovtobriyukh always made a special mention of his scientific and personal decency, amazing benevolence, and availability.

Keywords: scientific research, educational experience, research supervision, methodological proficiency.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32817


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