М. С. Глуховська


У пропонованій статті розглянуто словотвірні інновації із семантикою локативності в українській мові, що виникли на основі асоціативно-порівняльної мотивації шляхом основоскладання. Проаналізовано семантичні зв’язки таких дериватів із твірними основами, виділено семантико-структурні різновиди локативів. Окреслено спільні риси дериватів різних моделей основоскладання. Описано поширені структурні різновиди таких новотворів та рівень продуктивності основоскладання як способу їхнього словотвору. Зроблено узагальнення відповідно до завдань нашого дослідження.

Ключові слова: локатив, інновація, дериват, асоціаціативно-порівняльна мотивація, основоскладання, словотворення.


It deals with word-building innovations that are formed by word-formation method of associative-comparative locality of creation in the Ukrainian language. The urgency of the research is deeper consideration of the issue of innovative locators of associative and comparative motivation by means of word-formation that are part of the modern Ukrainian language, to reveal their peculiarities. The purpose of the article is to research innovative locatives with associative-comparative motivation, formed by the word-foundation. The purpose of the work involves the need to solve specific problems: 1) to emphasize the model of the word-foundation in the creation of locatives of associative-comparative motivation; 2) to highlight the common features of derivatives of different models of word-foundation; 3) to characterize innovative locatives with associative-comparative motivation. The object of our work is the innovative locators of the modern Ukrainian language, respectively, the subject of study – foundation of formation as one of the ways to create locators of associative and comparative motivation. In the main part of the work the author analyzes locatives of derivatives and varieties of innovative locatives of associative-comparative motivation. The word foundation of innovation locativeness are characterized. Derivatives and models of Ukrainian innovations are discovered, determined by associative and comparative motivation. There are described varieties and productivity levels of various word-foundation in the article. There are some models of word-foundation in our research. And the author of the article highlights common features of derivatives of word-foundation models and try to study another models which have some content-stylistic features. There are many examples add describes them according to the research topic. In the end of the article we can learn the conclusions according to the purpose.

Key words: locative, derivative, innovation, derivative, associative-comparative motivation, word foundation, word-building.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2477581


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