У статті розглянуто процес виникнення публіцистичних текстів у Східній Україні, досліджено основні теми, які в них порушувалися. На матеріалі публіцистичних творів Г. Ф. Квітки-Основ’яненка визначено, які явища, події, процеси та особи підлягали осуду. Досліджено основні засоби експліцитного та імпліцитного висловлення осуду, що найбільш активно використовувалися у творах Г. Ф. Квітки-Основ’яненка. Окреслено жанрові особливості висловлень осуду, характерні для творчості автора.
Ключові слова: публіцистика, осуд, мовленнєвий жанр, експліцитний вияв осуду, імпліцитний вияв осуду.
The article deals with the process of the emergence of journalistic texts in Eastern Ukraine, explores the main topics that were covered in these texts. The emergence and formation of Ukrainian journalism took place in complicated socio-political conditions, which greatly influenced the texts published in magazines, almanacs, and newspapers. On the material of the journalistic works of H. F. Kvitka-Osnovianenko, it was determined which phenomena, events, processes and persons were subjects of condemnation. The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of the verbal expression of condemnation in Ukrainian journalism at the beginning of the nineteenth century, in particular in the works of H. F. Kvitka-Osnovianenko. The relevance of the problem is caused by the need for a detailed study of the main aspects of the verbalization of condemnation in Ukrainian journalism since the beginning of the formation of a journalistic genre. The current works of the researchers who studied journalistic works written by the author are analyzed. The main means of explicit and implicit expression of condemnation, which are most actively used in the works of H. F. Kvitka-Osnovianenko, are investigated. The genre features of the statements of condemnation characteristic of the author’s work are determined. In addition to linguistic means of implementation, the characteristic features of the speech genre are the communicative purpose, the general communicative meaning, the model of the addressee, the model of the addressee, dictating content, the factor of the communicative past, the factor of the communicative future and genre tone. If genre tone of condemnation is usually defined as aggressive and manipulative, then the works of H. F. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko are often coloured with humorous tone.
Key words: publicism, condemnation, speech genre, explicit expression of condemnation, implicit expression of condemnation.
Повний текст:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2479033
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