Т. М. Мішеніна, К. А. Качайло


Статтю присвячено художньому моделюванню буття в поетичному мовленні Олесі Омельченко шляхом використання односкладних дієслівних речень. Досліджено тематично співвідносні ряди: життя-буття; життя-молитва; життя-квіт; життя-космос; життя-горіння. Художній простір своєрідно на основі природного паралелізму відтворює суголосність стану природи й людини, де особливістю є набуття людиною шляхом сугестії відповідного коловороту (набуття стану природи, іманентність стану людини й природи).

Ключові слова: односкладне речення, стилістика односкладного речення, стильовий потенціал, категорія буття, художнє моделювання.


The article is devoted to the artistic modeling of being in the poetry of Olesya Omelchenko by using one-main-member sentences. The stylistic potential of one-main-member sentences is traditionally explained by the semantic-structural peculiarity that determines their inductive or questioning modality, outlining the specifics of communicative-stylistic functionality. The defining-personal and infinitive sentences represent the concept of life as from the standpoint of philosophical perception and reflection of oneself ‘I’, as well as from the standpoint of religious being; the linguistic and cultural aspect, which represents the affective and cognitive level of the linguistic mapping of the world of Ukrainians, gains a particular illumination. The one-main-member sentences under study have a structural-semantic feature (the use of verbs of state and being, physical action), which orientates the reader to the perception and awareness of the philosophy of his life in close connection with the existence of the universe. Thematically correlated series are investigated: life-being; life-life-prayer; life-blossom; life-space; life-flame. Originally on the basis of natural parallelism, the artistic space reproduces the state of nature and man, where the peculiarity is the acquisition of man by means of a suggestion of a corresponding circle (the acquisition of a state of nature, the immanence of a state of man and nature), achieved through the use of verbs to denote a state or process – ‘freezing’, ‘growing up’, ‘thriving’, ‘fading’. Separate coverage acquired the aspect of gravity to take-off (the generalized image of the ‘bird’, as well as the national symbol ‘swan’, is used) as an embodiment of the right way of life, at the same time as the state of the human soul. Art discourse allows you to outline the parameters of being at the level of internalization of value orientation – love for the native land, a constant internal need to be careful about the environment where you grow. The poetics of love for nature are represented by verbs that indicate such sememes as ‘tenderness”, ‘caring’, ‘thrifty’. Artistic and aesthetic comprehension and motivation for the use of one-main-member sentences reflect the established tradition of addressing to the linguistic mapping of the world, where the mythologization of being, as well as the personification of the word-images inherent in it, is reproducible allowing the artistic way of reproducing the spirituality of nature as co-being with a man.

Key words: one-main-member sentence, stylistics of one-main-member sentence, stylistic potential, category of being, artistic modeling.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2479327


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