Т. М. Князь


У статті проаналізовано особливості функціонування фразеологічних одиниць української мови в політичному дискурсі. Розглянуто види структурно-семантичних трансформацій фразеологізмів: еліпсис, субституція, розширення компонентного складу. У політичному дискурсі й узуальні, і трансформовані фразеологізми влучно характеризують актуальні події сьогодення: фінансові питання, співробітництво з партнерами, пересторога про негативні наслідки від неправильних дій тощо.

Ключові слова: політичний дискурс, фразеологічна одиниця, структурно-семантична трансформація.


The political worldview as a part of the national worldview is an open structure that is constantly evolving. The language political worldview is a complex of representations of the people, recorded in the language units about political reality at a certain stage of society development. The phraseology of the Ukrainian language depends directly on the language political world-view, therefore the phraseological units (PhU) in some way form national and cultural peculiarity of political discourse. Investigation of the specific features of functioning phraseological units is an effective way to study the representations of the language speakes about political reality, its interpretation, indicating the relevance of the proposed article The article analyzes the peculiarities of the PhU functioning in the Ukrainian political discourse. The types of structural and semantic transformations of phraseological units are ellipse, substitution, expansion of component composition have been investigated. In political discourse both traditional and transformed phraseological units accurately characterize current events: financial issues, cooperation with partners, warning about the negative consequences of wrong actions, etc. Diferrent by semantics and structure phraseological units are used in accordance with the linguistic situation, context, author’s thought etc. Transformed phraseological unit загравав із проросійським електоратом (the traditional PhU гратися (грати) з вогнем «to behave carelessly, to do something dangerous») is applied to express the author’s assessment, the attitude to the political situation. The function of phraseological units in the political discourse makes it informative and expressive, and thus one of the main functions, influential, is realized. PhUs not only as nominative, but also as estimated units are used with the aim of realization of the unity of rational and emotional information in the text.

Key words: political discourse, phraseological unit (PhU), structural and semantic transformation.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34142/23127546.2019.50.08


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