Г. О. Крапівник, Ю. О. Шпак


Стаття присвячена розгляду ергонімів-неологізмів, що з’являються як лінгвокультурні реалії в сучасному урбанізованому середовищі. Досліджено семантичні, структурні та графічні особливості ергонімів міста Харкова, а саме назв кав’ярень. Корпус мовних одиниць, використаних для дослідження, становить 84 одиниці. Виявлено причини, способи й засоби творення ергонімів. Підтверджено, що процеси творення таких власних назв мають не тільки лінгвістичні чинники, але й загальнокультурні, що характеризують шляхи розвитку глобалізованого суспільства.

Ключові слова: онім, ергонім, лінгвокультурна реалія, ономастичний простір.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the phenomenon of ergonomic neologisms, which appear as linguistic and cultural realities in the modern urbanized environment. The semantic, structural and graphical features of Kharkiv urban ergonyms naming coffee houses are explored. The corpus of the linguistic units under study consists of 84 units. The causes, methods and means of building ergonomics are considered. It is confirmed that the processes of creating such proper names are not only linguistic factors, but also general-cultural, characterizing the ways of the globalized society development. The selection of ergonyms with the foreign language element(s) on the designation of coffee places in Kharkiv was analyzed with three criteria (structural, semantic and graphic). The result was the creation of a classification of these names, which can be used later for consideration ergonyms of other subclasses. According to the first criterion, all names of analyzed coffee houses were distributed fairly evenly on groups of one-, two- and multi-component linguistic units. By the second criterion, semantic, the classification was made by the associations causing the specified names. Thus, it has been found that the typical feature of the names of coffee houses is the direct appeal to the main product offered by such food establishments (the coffee group was 60 units out of 84). In addition, associations with pastry and bakery products, atmosphere and target audience are widespread. According to the third criterion, graphical, analyzed titles showed signs of doubt about determining their place in the Ukrainian language system (Latin writing, transcoding, and domination of non-assimilated vocabulary).

Key words: onym, ergonym, linguistic-cultural realities, onomastic space.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34142/23127546.2019.50.10


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