О. І. Мізіна, Т. К. Ісаєнко


У статті окреслено дериваційні, структурно-семантичні й функціональні властивості узуальних та індивідуально-авторських ад’єктивних композитів з матеріально не вираженим суфіксом з першим прикметниковим та другим іменниковим компонентом, що вказують на ознаку за віднесенням до людини і мають у своїй основі несоматичне поняття антропонімічного та неантропонімічного характеру. З’ясовано їх місце, роль та сфери функціонування в сучасній українській мові.

Ключові слова: нульовий суфікс, формант, нульсуфіксальний спосіб словотвору, ад’єктивний складнонульсуфіксальний композит, несоматичне поняття, мотивований, напівмотивований, немотивований дериват.


The article outlines the derivational, structural-semantic and functional properties of usual and individual-authorial adjectival composites with a materially non-marked suffix with the first adjectival and the second substantive component, denoting a characteristic of a person and having basically non-somatic notion of anthroponymic and non-anthroponymic character. Adjectival composites with the first adjectival and the second substantive component occupy a noticeable place among adjectival derivatives formed with the participation of a zero-suffix formant. So far, composites of the investigated word-formative type in general and complex-zero-suffixal adjectives with a materially non-marked formant in particular have never been the subject of a special study, which determines the relevancy of the chosen topic. The purpose of the article is to define the word-usage frequency of the corresponding complex-zero-suffixal adjectival derivatives, to find out their place, role, specificity of functioning in the modern Ukrainian language, to elucidate their derivational, structural-semantic and functional properties. The achievement of the stated goal involves solving of the following tasks: to determine the peculiar properties of the motivation of the derivatives under study, to analyze the external valency, as well as to find out their pragmatic potential. The conducted analysis of the complex-zero-suffixal adjectival derivatives has revealed the following tendencies: among the composites of the lexical-semantic group being studied, only opaque (non-motivated) composites function actively, while we have not noticed motivated and semi-motivated lexical items among them. Complex-zero-suffixal adjectives have broad co-occurrence and extensively implement their figurative (allegoric) meanings. On the whole, the corresponding composites, entering into distribution with the nouns denoting a person, gain pejorative meaning, becoming the markers of negative evaluation and disparagement. Sometimes it happens that the units under study come into distribution with the nouns denoting the phenomena of nature, realizing a new figurative idiomatic meaning – “the revival” of the nonliving, thus replenishing the corpus of epithets and contributing to the enrichment of the poetic language imagery.

Key words: zero suffix, formant, zero-suffixal word-building method, adjectival complex-zero-suffixal composite, non-somatic notion, motivated, semi-motivated, opaque derivative.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34142/23127546.2019.50.16


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