Ю. В. Бугаєвська


Для досягнення лінгводидактичних цілей викладачеві української мови треба вдосконалювати знання специфіки матеріалу (економічної термінології), якому він буде навчати. Терміни входять до продуктивного словникового запасу студентів для формування і формулювання думок у професійному контексті, а ступінь володіння термінологією вичається рівнем комунікативної компетенції.

Ключові слова: економічна термінологія, комунікативна компетенція, спілкування між фахівцями, комунікативно-орієнтований підхід.


The article emphasizes the importance of improving by a Ukrainian language teacher the knowledge of the specifics of educational material (economics terminology) to be taught, in order to achieve the linguistic and educational objectives set. The role of terms that should be included in the productive vocabulary of students to form and formulate thoughts in the professional context has been defined. It is noticed that the degree of proficiency in using terminoogy is determined by the level of communicative competence. The aim of the article is to study different points of view on the problem of students’ readiness to mastering language means that are necessary for establishing mutual understanding among communicators during joint professional activities. The task is to consider issues related to the communication aspect of the educational material that is presented by modern economic terms concentrated in texts of coursebooks for economics. Economics vocabulary, which includes the names of phenomena and concepts of social and ideological spheres, is the part of the lexical system of the language the study of which is relevant, therefore, during activities of a teacher associated with training students to use economics terms, it is necessary to define and create conditions for obtaining necessary information of a professional character and ensuring effective communication among specialists in the relevant field. Thus, teaching terminology within the framework of a communication-based approach is directly related to the development of verbal behavior which models situations of professional activity and its specific manifestations. Terms express special concepts that have been learnt by students, i.e., those which they easily and actively use when the need arises. The function of terms is in creating the professional component of information, forming a certain expression. The prospect of the study is the organization of educational material and methodical developments for use based on the motives and peculiarities of student groups.

Key words: economics terminology, communicative competence, communication among specialists, communication-based approach.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34142/23127546.2019.50.28


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