Л. М. Пелепейченко


У статті розглядаються перехідні явища у функціонуванні української та російської мов в Україні. Показано, що ознаки перехідності проявляються у двох аспектах: у функціональному (використання мов у повсякденному спілкуванні й усвідомлення важливості української мови як єдиної державної) та в когнітивно-прагматичному (формування комунікативних особистостей за ознакою вибору українських ціннісних пріоритетів). Виділено полярні й перехідні типи комунікативних особистостей (КО). З метою поширення сфери функціонування української мови запропоновано засоби комунікативного впливу на кожен із виділених типів КО.

Ключові слова: перехідні явища, державна мова, комунікативна особистість, полярний тип, перехідні типи.


The article deals with the transitional phenomena in the functioning of the Ukrainian and Russian languages in Ukraine. The topicality of the research is conditioned by the necessity of consideration of transitional phenomena in the area of the language situation in Ukraine. Ignoring these phenomena may cause false or not quite correct inferences and decisions. The aim of the research is to identify the essence of transitional phenomena in the functioning  of languages and to justify the cognitive bases of influence on public opinion concerning the  language situation in Ukraine. In order to achieve the goal the following tasks are carried out: information on the attitudes of Ukrainians to the language issue is summarized; cognitive basis for the formation of public opinion is proposed; features of transition in the functional aspect (the use of languages in everyday communication and understanding the importance of Ukrainian as the only official language) and in the cognitive-pragmatic (formation of communicative personalities on the basis of the choice of Ukrainian value priorities) are identified; according to the mentioned aspects polar and transitional types of communicative personalities are distinguished; the means of communicative impact on each of them are offered. It is proved that in the functioning of languages and in the attitude to the language issue, there are such transitional phenomena: discussions about the possibility of functioning of two official languages; the presence in Ukraine of types of communicative personalities (CP) who have different views on the language situation in Ukraine. Polar types of communicative personalities are divided into: +1 (CP who use the Ukrainian language in everyday communication and realize its importance as a means of consolidation of the nation) and –1 (CP who use Russian in everyday communication, do not realize the importance of the Ukrainian language as a means of consolidation of the nation and actively support the functioning  of two official languages). Three transitional types of CP are described. All above-mentioned features are correlated in these types in different ways. It has been proved that in Ukraine, based on the language position, a new type of communicative personality has been formed – bilingual personality, who regardless of ethnicity and language of everyday communication, chooses purely Ukrainian value priorities and actualizes the communicative code inherent in the language consciousness of the Ukrainian and Ukrainian communicative culture. In order to expand the area of functioning of the Ukrainian language, it is proposed to carry out a communicative impact on the public taking into account the type of CP. The cognitive basis for such communicative influence is formed. The main principles are respect towards the personalities of each type, the absence of aggressive pressure and didactic colouring. The cognitive basis of influence is information on the possibilities of language development and the real state of social relations between native speakers in countries with two or more official languages.

Key words: transitional phenomena, official language, communicative personality, polar type, transitional types.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1204255


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