А. І. Вегеш


У статті досліджено стилістичні можливості літературно-художніх антропонімів у арсеналі мовних засобів роману «Червоний» сучасного українського письменника Андрія Кокотюхи. Подано опис найменувань персонажів, визначається їхній інформаційний потенціал, роль у сюжетному розгортанні, простежується символіка кольору.

Ключові слова: антропонім, апелятив, літературно-художній антропонім, промовисте ім’я, прізвисько, псевдонім, символ, червоний колір.


The article researches the stylistic possibilities of the proper names of the literary heroes in the arsenal of linguistic means of the novel «Red» by contemporary Ukrainian writer Andriy Kokotiukha. It also gives a description of the names of the characters, determines their informational potential, color symbolism and role in the plot deployment. Anthroponimicon of A. Kokotiukha’s works has not been studied extensively, therefore, in our opinion, the functional-stylistic analysis of the proper names of the literary heroes in the novel «Red» is relevant to Ukrainian onomastics. The purpose of our study is to provide a comprehensive description of the proper names of the literary heroes in the novel «Red» by A. Kokotiukha, our task is to reveal an informational potential of the proper names of the literary heroes; to determine their role in the characterization of the characters and in the context of the characteristics of linguistic style of the writer. The protagonist is named after the Red, which has a symbolic meaning. Color is the key to understanding the subtext, it acts as a special stylistic admission. No less interesting are literary-artistic pseudonyms, which the author endows both the protagonist and the UPA soldiers. At different stages of the struggle «Red» had different pseudonyms: Tour, Martyn, Strong, Ostap. We recorded a number of other pseudonyms of UPA soldiers: Angry, Myron, Raven, Mazepa, Cold, Polecat. They all are expressive. Our research has shown that creative potential of the author is expressed in the proper names of the literary heroes. A. Kokotiukha puts a certain mark on the characters name, onym becomes a most delicate means of characterizing the hero.

Key words: anthroponym, appellative, proper name of the literary hero, expressive name, nickname, pseudonym, symbol, red color.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1242923


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