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Why You Absolutely Need an SSL Certificate for Your Website

як Dunelm Barkley (2023-11-22)

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With data breaches making headline news on a regular basis, consumers have become aware of the importance of website security. With that in mind, it’s no surprise that they are more trusting of websites that have an SSL certificate.

In addition, Google has made it clear that website security is a ranking factor. Adding an SSL is therefore imperative to your online business.

1. Increased Security

If your website collects any kind of information from users, such as email addresses or phone numbers, you need an SSL certificate. SSL certificates encrypt this data so it cannot be read by hackers.

SSL certificates also protect data in transit, stopping cyber attacks from happening on your customers’ computers as they move between websites and servers. This can significantly reduce the amount of damage done by hackers to online business.

Moreover, visitors to your site will be more trusting of you and your business when they see a padlock icon in the browser and https:// in the URL, signaling that their web experience is secure. They will be more likely to purchase your products or services if they know that their personal and financial information is safe with you.

2. Increased Trust

Using SSL shows your visitors that you take security seriously. They will feel confident sending you personal information and shopping on your website. If they see a padlock in the URL bar, or https:// at the beginning of your site address, they will know that your site is secured with SSL.

Consumers are concerned about data breaches and identity theft. They will be more likely to trust your site if they see a green padlock and see that you have been verified by a trusted third party.

This is important for e-commerce sites that need to protect their customers’ credit card information, and also for businesses that have forms on their websites that ask for sensitive customer information. When a visitor navigates to a website without SSL, Google Chrome will flag it as non-secure.

3. Increased Conversions

Also known as a website security certificate, a secure socket layer (SSL) certificate or an HTTPS certificate, an SSL provides greater trust. It is a must-have for eCommerce websites and PCI compliant sites that accept credit cards.

An SSL certificate encrypts information sent to and from your website, making it impossible for hackers to intercept data or impersonate your site. It shows that you care about the privacy of your visitors and that you want to protect them from fraudulent activity. There are several types of SSL certificates available, including domain validated (DV), organization validation (OV) and extended validation (EV), each of which undergoes different levels of identity checks. Many web builder and hosting providers offer SSL certificates as part of their packages. Some are free, while others can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars a year.

4. Increased Search Engine Optimization

If you have a website that collects information from visitors like email addresses, phone numbers or other personal data, it’s important to use an SSL certificate. This ensures that the data is encrypted and cannot be viewed by cybercriminals.

SSL certificates also help provide greater search engine optimization for websites. This is because Google places a high value on security and trust, and websites with SSL certificates will rank higher in search results than those without an SSL certificate.

However, it’s important to note that an SSL certificate is just one factor in a website’s overall SEO strategy. In order to get the best results, businesses should use an SSL certificate in conjunction with other ranking factors, such as keyword research and link building.

5. Increased Sales

When SSL certificates are used, visitors can see that a website is secure by looking at the padlock icon in their browser. This gives them a sense of confidence and trustworthiness that can lead to more sales for your eCommerce website or online store.

Even if your website does not collect information like credit card numbers or email addresses, you still need an SSL certificate because it will protect your customers from Man-in-the-Middle attacks and other cyber crime. It also helps you meet GDPR requirements if your site stores customer data.

SSL certifications are vital for any business website that wants to attract and retain visitors, boost conversions, improve search engine optimization, and build brand loyalty. Without an SSL, your site could be sabotaged by hackers and lose out on valuable business.


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як Dunelm Barkley (2023-12-05)

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