Telegram中文 has always been a privacy-focused platform, but in 2024, it will take user protection to the next level. New updates include:
End-to-end encryption for all chat types, including group chats.
Self-destructing messages, which automatically delete after a set duration.
Encrypted Cloud Storage ensures no third party can access your stored media.
The in-app browser now operates in a read-only mode, offering safer browsing experiences for shared links and websites.
For users who prioritize their data security, Telegram remains the gold standard.
Advanced Privacy and Security Features
як wanyu hu (2024-12-20)
Telegram中文 has always been a privacy-focused platform, but in 2024, it will take user protection to the next level. New updates include:
End-to-end encryption for all chat types, including group chats.
Self-destructing messages, which automatically delete after a set duration.
Encrypted Cloud Storage ensures no third party can access your stored media.
The in-app browser now operates in a read-only mode, offering safer browsing experiences for shared links and websites.
For users who prioritize their data security, Telegram remains the gold standard.