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The Top Five Considerations When Getting Your Car Repaired

як Dan Gunner (2024-05-27)

Getting your car repaired can be a daunting task, especially when you're not well-versed in the intricacies of auto mechanics. The anxiety of whether you're getting the best service, the right price, and ensuring your car is fixed properly can be overwhelming. Here are the top five considerations to keep in mind when getting your car repaired to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience.

1. Choose a Reputable Garage

The first and most important step in getting your car repaired is choosing a reputable garage. The reputation of the garage will give you an idea of the quality of service you can expect. Ask friends, family, and colleagues for recommendations, and read online reviews to get a sense of the garage's reputation.

Dan Gunner, owner of Jordans Garage Godalming, advises, “Always look for a garage that has a solid reputation in the community. A good reputation is built on trust, reliability, and excellent service.”

Look for certifications and affiliations with professional organizations such as the Automotive Service Association (ASA) or the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). These certifications indicate that the mechanics have undergone rigorous training and adhere to industry standards.

2. Understand the Costs

Car repairs can be expensive, and it's important to understand the costs involved before committing to any service. Get a detailed estimate from the garage, which should include the cost of parts and labor. Ask if there are any additional fees or charges that you should be aware of.

A study by AAA found that the average annual cost of car repairs and maintenance is about $1,200 (source: AAA). While this can vary based on the make and model of your car, it's essential to budget for these expenses.

Don't be afraid to get multiple estimates from different garages. Comparing prices can help you ensure you're getting a fair deal. However, be wary of prices that seem too good to be true, as they may indicate subpar service or the use of low-quality parts.

3. Verify the Warranty

Before agreeing to any repairs, it's crucial to verify the warranty on the parts and labor. A good garage will stand by their work and offer a warranty to guarantee their service. This warranty can provide peace of mind and protect you from additional expenses if something goes wrong.

Dan Gunner emphasizes, “A warranty is a reflection of a garage’s confidence in their work. It’s essential to choose a garage that offers a comprehensive warranty on both parts and labor.”

Make sure to get the warranty details in writing, including the duration of the warranty and what it covers. This documentation can be invaluable if you need to make a claim later on.

4. Communication is Key

Clear and open communication with your mechanic is essential for a smooth repair process. Make sure to describe the issues with your car in as much detail as possible. The more information you provide, the easier it will be for the mechanic to diagnose and fix the problem.

Ask questions about the recommended repairs and don't hesitate to seek clarification if something is unclear. A good mechanic will take the time to explain the issues and the proposed solutions in a way that you can understand.

Regular updates on the status of the repairs can also help alleviate any anxiety. Knowing what stage the repairs are at and when you can expect your car to be ready can make the process much less stressful.

5. Evaluate the Quality of Parts

The quality of the parts used in the repair is just as important as the quality of the workmanship. Ask the garage if they use original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts or aftermarket parts. OEM parts are made by the car’s manufacturer and are typically of higher quality, but they can be more expensive. Aftermarket parts are produced by third-party manufacturers and can be a more affordable option, but the quality can vary.

Dan Gunner advises, “Always inquire about the type of parts being used in your repair. High-quality parts can make a significant difference in the longevity and performance of your vehicle.”

Discuss the pros and cons of each option with your mechanic to make an informed decision. In some cases, aftermarket parts can be a cost-effective and reliable alternative to OEM parts.


Getting your car repaired doesn't have to be a stressful experience. By choosing a reputable garage, understanding the costs, verifying the warranty, maintaining clear communication, and evaluating the quality of parts, you can ensure that your car is in good hands. These considerations will help you navigate the repair process with confidence and peace of mind.

As Dan Gunner of Jordans Garage Godalming aptly puts it, “A well-informed customer is a satisfied customer. Taking the time to understand the repair process and choosing a trustworthy garage can make all the difference.”

By keeping these top five considerations in mind, you can make sure your car is repaired efficiently and effectively, allowing you to get back on the road with confidence.

  1. AAA:
  2. Automotive Service Association:
  3. Jordans Garage Godalming: