А. А. Кравцов


В статті проаналізовано досвід національно – патріотичного виховання в країнах Далекого Сходу (на прикладі Японії та Китаю). Визначено роль конфуціанської традиції у вихованні молоді. Зроблено висновок щодо впливу держави на формування патріотичних почуттів у молоді.

Ключові слова: патріотизм, націоналізм, Японія, Китай, держава.


В статье проанализирован опыт национально - патриотического воспитания в странах Дальнего Востока (на примере Японии и Китая). Определена роль конфуцианской традиции в воспитании молодежи. Сделан вывод о влиянии государства на формирование патриотических чувств у молодежи.

Ключевые слова: патриотизм, национализм, Япония, Китай, государство.


The article analyzes the experience of national - patriotic education in the countries of the Far East (on the example of Japan and China). 

The diversity and ambiguity of understanding of patriotism is explained by the complex nature of this phenomenon, its rich content, the diversity of forms of manifestation.

In the countries of the Far East, national-patriotic education is an important component of the humanitarian policy of the state. Traditional upbringing in Japan and China is based on the ideas of Confucianism - respect for the state and power, duty, benevolence, sincerity and is based on the notion "in the name of the general forget about the personal, in the name of the country, forget about the family". 

An important place in the system of school education in Japan and China is given to teachers. Teachers have the duty to strengthen the feeling of national pride, dignity and respect for folk traditions.

Mandatory component of the education of students - teachers in the PRC is defined: patriotic education, upbringing of the "Chinese spirit", education of discipline and responsibility; labor education; aesthetic education; the upbringing of the psychological and moral-spiritual qualities of the individual.

In recent years, the number of patriotic materials has increased in the media, on the Internet, party publications have become increasingly frequent appeals to patriotic youth, in the PRC, public museums are open to visitors free of charge.

The population of these countries honors national symbols - coat of arms, anthem, flag, national clothes.

A conclusion is drawn about the state's influence on the formation of patriotic feelings in youth.

Key words: patriotism, nationalism, Japan, China, state.



Повний текст:



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Базовое образование в Китае.- Пекин, 1994.- 194 с.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1300234


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