В. О. Береза


У статті відзначається, що політична культура відіграє провідну роль у політичній соціалізації особистості, внаслідок якої відбувається формування політичної свідомості та засвоєння й відтворення людиною зразків політичної поведінки. Своєю чергою набуті політичні погляди, цінності, орієнтації, норми дозволяють індивіду належним чином адаптуватися до наявної політичної системи і стати дійсним суб’єктом політичного життя. Отже, під час соціалізації в людини формується культура особистої участі в процесі здійснення влади та реалізуються цінності політичної культури. А ціннісно-нормативний вимір політичної соціалізації проявляється як діяльнісне внормування правового статусу особистості.

Ключові поняття: політична культура, політична соціалізація,
політична свідомість.


В статье отмечается, что политическая культура играет ведущую роль в политической социализации личности, в результате которой происходит формирование политического сознания и усвоения и воспроизведения человеком образцов политического поведения. В свою очередь приобретенные политические взгляды, ценности, ориентации, нормы позволяют индивиду должным образом адаптироваться к существующей политической системы и стать действительным субъектом политической жизни. Таким образом, при социализации человека формируется культура непосредственного участия в процессе осуществления власти и реализуются ценности политической культуры. А ценностно-нормативное измерение политической социализации проявляется как деятельностное упорядочения правового статуса личности.

Ключевые понятия: политическая культура, политическая социализация,
политическое сознание.


The article states that political culture plays a leading role in political socialization of the individual, which results in formation of political consciousness and learning and using samples of political behavior by human beings. In turn, acquired political views, values, orientations, norms allow the individual to properly adapt to the existing political system and become true subject in the political life. Thus, during socialization, human forms a culture of personal involvement in the exercise of power and realizes values of political culture. A value-normative dimension of political socialization appears as an active regulation of legal status of a personality.

The political culture of society is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, dynamic and simultaneously stable in historical, spatial and temporal dimension. Given this, the issue of political culture attracts the attention of many modern researchers. Indeed, conscious formation of political culture as an art of common civilized living of people in the state – taking care of all modern societies, is an important condition for its prosperity. The democratic system cannot establish itself and be effective without a political culture of the population. Democracy involves the transformation of a human being into a source of power, the supreme arbiter of the country and international politics. Although in a democratic state, not every individual has impact on policy-making, it is a conscious choice and activity of most people that affect account in public policy of interests of different groups, competence and responsibility of the ruling elite.

Usually only a high level of political culture, which for centuries was formed during historical and cultural development and has a strong social and axiological foundation, is able to provide the society with stable and effective mechanisms of political socialization of a personality.Political culture has fundamental, social and formative character. Accordingly, the level and nature of the political culture of a particular society affects the possibilities of political socialization of a personality in it. However, it is in the process of political socialization of the individual that certain value-semantic foundation for political and cultural nature is acquired.

Interdependence of political culture and political socialization is worth noting. The higher the political culture of a society, the more attention it pays to the process of political socialization. However, the opposite statement can be considered just: the higher the degree of political socialization in the society, the higher is the level of political culture. After all, people with high level of political socialization actively participate in the political life of society, ensuring the development of public relations. Thus the notion of "political culture" and "political socialization" are interconnected. The political culture of a society is the semantic component of political socialization. As a result of political socialization, subject of adapting to political culture and is able to develop it.

As a result of political socialization, through the formation of political consciousness of the individual, which includes political values, orientations, attitudes, norms, and learning and subsequent use of samples of political behavior is the use of political culture.

Implementation of the functions of political culture of political socialization of a personality is due to such is components, as political values, norms, stereotypes, ideals, behavior patterns and so on.

The article calls attention to the spiritual and moral aspects of political culture and their role in the process of political socialization, especially through the formation of civic orientation. In the political sphere, morality is embodied in the political norms and values, aimed to preserve the state, increasing its power and prosperity of citizens. At the individual level, the political nature of morality appears as patriotism and responsibility of the individual for compliance with social norms, rules and more. In other words, civic orientation of the individual appears in accepting morals of certain social order and a sense of responsibility in society, subjecting to certain social norms based on apprehension of subject's rights and obligations, on his civil values, sense of responsibility and moral submissions.

Civic orientation of the individual develops in a system of spiritual culture of society. The main mechanism of the origin and development of social behavior forms are primarily internalization of norms, patterns, demands, ideals and values of society. Thus, civil orientation is a special kind of political morality of personality. In the process of socialization human being masters the spiritual component of the political culture that provides individual's activities aimed at implementation of civic values. Together with acquired political views and beliefs, they constitute a precious human experience.

Key words: political culture, political socialization, political consciousness.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.164591


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