Д. С. Мірошниченко


У  статті  окреслено  межі  галузі  соціології  інтелектуалів,  надано філософський  аналіз  цього  явища.  Висвітлено  декілька  підходів  у дослідженні класу інтелектуалів у зв’язку з його видозмінами у ХХ столітті.

Ключові слова: соціологія інтелектуалів, наука, суспільство, еліта, культурний капітал, класова ідентичність.

В статье обозначены пределы области социологии интеллектуалов, предоставлено  философский  анализ  этого  явления.  Освещены несколько подходов в исследовании класса интеллектуалов в связи с его видоизменениями в ХХ веке.

Ключевые  слова:  социология  интеллектуалов,  наука,  общество, элита, культурный капитал, классовая идентичность.

The  article  has  indicated  the  limits  in  the  field  of  the  sociology  of intellectuals, philosophical analysis of this phenomenon was provided. It was shown a number of approaches to the study of the intellectual class in connection with its modifications in the twentieth century. Sociology of intellectuals, like its subject, has a very colorful history. It is true that when we are talking about the intellectuals the first thing that could come to our minds is the phenomena of French intellectuals, where the  Dreyfus  affair,  which  marked  the  emergence  of  new  social  group vested with the great influence in the society. Thenceforward, the term «intellectual» became of common, yet sometimes derogatory usage. The turning  point  of  that  times  was  the  4500-word  article,  published  in  the «L’Aurore»  newspaper  in  January  1898  by  Emile  Zola  and  headlined «J’Accuse…!» – an open letter to the President Faure, defending unfairly convicted captain Alfred Dreyfus. In was the moment of great intellectual consolidation  of  philosophers,  journalists,  writers  and  other  elite representatives  in  their  struggle  not  just  against  the  anti-Semitism,  but struggle  for justice, truth and rights for all the  members of society that could not be discarded by the tradition and authority of the government any more.  Later on the brilliant thoughts on intellectuals and their role were spoken by famous XX century French philosophers: Jean Paul Sartre, Michelle Foucault,  Raymond  Aron,  Pierre  Bourdieu  and  lots  of  others.  Forexample, Sartre, stated in his article for the defense of the intellectuals, that  that  being  specialists  in  some  fields,  they  are  always  invading  the fields  out  of  their  competence,  bearing  the  universal  system  of  values. The term is also  equally well used in the Western and Eastern worlds, sometimes emerging from the facing the affairs that are analogous to the Dreyfus case. The turning point for the field of the sociology  of intellectuals was the book  «The  Treason  of  the  Intellectuals»  by  Julien  Benda.  Author’s concerns were  about his vision of the final  decline of intellectuals as  a class. However, despite the literary preferences and apocalyptic tone in his  book,  the  main  themes  have  been  focused  on  the  approach  in sociology of intellectuals, considering them as a class.  Intellectuals can develop  common  interests  that  put  them  apart  from  other  groups  in society, sometimes concentrating around those interests, and sometimes giving up any of its organization and being on the margins of the society. On other hand, Pierre Bourdieu believes that despite common interests, intellectuals are not always prone to collective action and only in certain moments  of  history  they  are  exempt  from  political  pessimism  of  pure culture and hypocritical involvement in politics, appear to protect its own interests, the best example of which is the Dreyfus affair. Therefore,  we  considered  several  approaches  that  have  appeared  in  the twentieth century in the sociology of intellectuals, though they certainly do not exhaust the scope of such a controversial subject of philosophical investigation.  It  was  shown  on  the  paradigmatic  significance  of  «The Treason  of  the  Intellectuals»  by  J.  Benda,  as  the  first  comprehensive philosophical  reflection  that  became  fundamental  to  sociology  of intellectuals. The approaches that were described in the article should be borne in mind at least to avoid terminological  controversy. In addition, intellectual communication takes place by means of media environment, the  development  of  which  has  led  to  fundamental  changes  in  our understanding  of  intellectuals  and  modern  access  to  information undermines the credibility of the «classic» intellectuals as a class, but in any case, the request for them is not yet lost in the society, and therefore such research is still quite relevant.

Keywords:  sociology  of  intellectuals,  science,  society,  the  elite,  the cultural capital, the class identity.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.164597


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