Є. С. Буцикін


Стаття присвячена філософсько-антропологічному обґрунтуванню метафорики  Платонової  держави,  засобами  трансцендентальної антропології.  У  межах  статті  було  застосовано  метод антропологічної редукції (Больнов) та метод прояснення неусувних рис практичної та фактичної людської ситуації (Ренч). Прояснено трансцендентально-антропологічну  конституцію  простору спільного  життя  спираючись  на  аналітику  Платонового  проекту справедливої  держави.  Розглянуто  та  проаналізовано  способи влаштування «хворого» та «здорового» міста як не конгруентних просторів.  Прояснено  неусувну  та  непохитну  екзистенційну фактичність  як  склад  границі  людського  існування.  У  статті здійснюється  спроба  експлікації  антропологічного  сенсу  влаштування  спільного  життя  у  Платоновому  проекті  справедливої держави  як  утвердження  горизонтальної  конституції  спільного світу.  В  межах  статті  здійснено  спробу  прояснення  конститутивного  відношення  структури  простору  укриття  (як сукупності неусувних обставин людського існування) та розумного орієнтування. 

Ключові  слова:  простір  укриття,  простір  безпеки, трансцендентальна антропологія,  дистанція, трансцендентальна земля.

Статья  посвящена  философско-антропологическому  обоснованию метафорики  Платонового  государства,  с  помощью трансцендентальной  антропологии.  В  рамках  статьи  был  применен метод  антропологической  редукции  (Больнов)  и  метод  прояснения неустранимых  обстоятельств  практической  и  фактической человеческой  ситуации  (Рэнч).  Прояснена  трансцендентально-антропологическая  конституция  пространства  совместной  жизни опираясь на аналитику проекта справедливого государства Платона. Рассмотрены и проанализированы способы устройства «больного» и «здорового»  города  как  не  конгруэнтных  пространств.  Прояснена неустранимая  и  недвежимая  экзистен-циальная  фактичность  как содержание  границы  человеческого  существования.  В  статье осуществляется  попытка  экспликации  антропологического  смысла устройства  совместной  жизни  в  проекте  справедливого  государства Платона  как  утверждения  горизонтальной  конституции  первичного мира.  В  рамках  статьи  предпринята  попытка  прояснения конститутивного  отношение  структуры  пространства  укрытия  (как совокупности  неустранимых  обстоятельств  человеческого существования) и разумного ориентирования.

Ключевые  слова:  пространство  укрытия,  безопасное  пространство  трансцендентальная антропология, дистанция, трансцендентальная земля.


This paper is devoted to the philosophical and anthropological interpretation Plato’s project of ideal city, based on transcendental anthropology. Within the article the method of transcendental reductionand anthropological enlightenment of fundamental specific of practical and anthropological human situation is applied. An attempt of define the significant circumstances for deal-city building, analyzed their ontological status and significance for practical orientations. Considered and analyzed  the constitution of "sick" and "healthy" city were bringing clarify the concept of "fundamental" and "strong" circumstances, "distance", "transcendental Earth" as a principle of  ideal-city fundamentality structure, "anty-space" which grounds are instantiated from the center of constitution. Within the article is an attempt to clarify transcendental relation of shelter for practical orientation, in which the last is expression of unique traits of nearest life-space. The purpose of this paper is to prove that we can make philosophical and anthropological interpretation of Plato’s project of ideal city, based on theoretical distinction which was done by transcendental anthropology of Otto Bollnow and Thomas Rantsch and attitude for rational reconstruction proposed by Richard Rorty. According to this we have to solve the following problems. First, attempt to interpret the idea of the perfect State as a dwelling space. We can do this within the philosophical anthropological distinction. Second, make a philosophical and anthropological interpretation of the Earth-myth as a principle, which means necessity of finding the fundamental base of ideal-space. Third, draw the anthropological significance of understanding the truth as something, without which it is impossible to be at a standstill. Fourth, interpret the attitude for granting guidance power in the state to the philosophers as a principle of necessity to infinity clarifying fundamental circumstances of human existence. Our investigation unfolded within the methodological attitude to the rational reconstruction, defined by the well-known American philosopher Richard Rorty as one of philosophical genres in historiography. First of all, it is about the meaning of the agreement phenomenon within the dialogue.  This paper is devoted to the philosophical and anthropological interpretation of Plato’s project of ideal city, based on transcendental anthropology by Otto Bollnow and Thomas Rantsch. Within the article the method of transcendental and anthropological enlightenment of fundamental specific of practical and anthropological human situation is applied. An attempt of define the significant circumstances for an ideal-city building, analyzed their ontological status and significance for practical orientations. Considering and analysis  of the constitution of "sick" and "healthy" city clarified the concepts of "fundamental" and "strong" circumstances, "distance", "transcendental Earth" as a principle of ideal-city fundamentality structure, "anti-space", grounds of which are instantiated from the centre of constitution. An attempt to clarify transcendental relation of shelter for practical orientation, in which the last is expression of unique traits of nearest life-space, was made within the article.  The need for the city, according to Plato, defined by two facts of human existence. First, the existence of unrecoverable needs associated with a fundamental fragility of human existence. Second, the inability to meet the needs without bringing another into situation of survive. Despite the fact that dwelling space is constituted as the very first relating to another, though it must be admitted that man enters this world when it containsmore than two people and it is one of the fundamental features of the human situation. If we define dwelling as a closed space of deployment constant practices, understandable and predictable practice, it is impossible to reject the significance of others for its construction. Accordingly, insurance of nearest space often depends on the activities of the members of such communities and usually is independent of us. Threats facing the dwelling space are based on two forces: internal and external. The result of the first is confusion, and of the second – the war. The first threat is rooted in the previously mentioned features of the human existence situation, and the second is related to the immeasurable updating of human race, so – to the inevitable expansion of human communities. According to the assignments, we can make the following conclusions. First, philosophical and anthropological interpretation of Plato's idea of ideal-city is possible and justified within the methodological attitude of transcendental anthropology. It is necessary to clarify the fundamental features of human existence and it is easy to implement this within the nearest relationship between human and life. Plato's project of ideal-city can be considered as a project of ideal-dwelling, totalized fundamental facts of human existence as its grounds.  The idea of the philosopher-governor can be understood as the principle of necessity of infinite clarification of fundamental grounds of practical orientation. 

Keywords:  Shelter,  space  of safety,  transcendental anthropology, distance, transcendental earth.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.58731


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