О. О. Маркозова


Показано, що сучасний світ стає єдиним, але мінливим і поліцентричним простором.  В  результаті  глобалізації  та  під  впливом  розповсюдження нових  механізмів  комунікації,  формується  багатовекторність  фреймування  свідомості  громадян.  За  цих  умов,  схеми  самореалізації  людини ускладнюються: для того, щоб досягти життєвого успіху, особистість повинна активізувати свої внутрішні ресурси та самостійно створювати фрейми майбутніх соціальних практик до того, як норма інтеріорізована.

Ключові слова: суспільство, глобалізація, особистість, життєвий успіх, фреймування, цінності.

Показано,  что  современный  мир  становится  единым,  но  изменчивым  и полицентричным  пространством.  В  результате  глобализации  и  под влиянием  распространения  новых  механизмов  коммуникации, формируется многовекторность фреймирования сознания граждан. В этих условиях, схемы самореализации человека усложняются: для того, чтобы достичь  жизненного  успеха,  личность  должна  активизировать  свои внутренние  ресурсы  и  самостоятельно  создавать  фреймы  будущих социальных практик до того, как норма интериоризирована.

Ключевые  слова:  общество,  глобализация,  личность,  жизненный  успех, фреймирование, ценности.

It is shown that the modern world is becoming one, but volatile and polycentric space. The main factors of social development are speed, mobility and flexibility that touched all spheres of human activity. In large part this was due to the introduction of new information technologies and communication mechanisms people.  After becoming a central element of social interaction, communication concentrates around itself all other individual's activity,determines how framing formulates meanings and culture, promotes stratification change mechanisms, and eventually -  lead to the emergence of new social relations. The most important characteristic of modern communications is its ability to multi-vector framing minds of citizens that fundamentally affect the content of social life and social relations. Now it is framing polystructural, as a center of communication can be any social entity, able to process, store, create new information and disseminate it, thus forming an extremely complex social space. As a result -  is the dilution of social space. Personalized and individualized society, creating a new culture in a new form of sociality. Previous subjects of individual consciousness framing although not completely destroyed, but pluralization. The system both reduces its pressure on the individual expands his freedom, but at the same time, creates new requirements and types of addiction, because there are new situations and social practices, frames missing from the public consciousness. Old frames adjust to new situations is impossible, because the continuous social change. So today, in contrast to the drama Hoffmann, the emphasis shifted from the first play of frames to create them, before society effortlessly confirmed new frames, we can analyze them, discuss and create new ones. The transition to the new scheme for making frames as contributing to the objective conditions of life of the individual (expanding the boundaries of freedom, the emergence of new methods of communication) and subjective: increased educational capital of modern man, the formation of self-reliance and development of internal skills. Moreover, in the absence of strict rules of life, the freedom of man its role is not limited, so there is a new motivation activities to achieve success in life. As a result, it can be argued that man finally gets the potential not to be an actor, an ordinary performer and observer roles. In the arena of social life gradually by a man active, able to independently go out of their comfort zone and develop social space «for themselves». But at the same time, understanding these changes, political and economic elites enhance frame aggression and deliberately manipulated citizens to form necessary to maintain its supremacy frames. So framing in the modern world is becoming multi, which can withstand only independent person with high educational capital. Under these conditions, the scheme complicated personal fulfillment: in order to achieve success in life, a person should step up their internal resources and future frames to create their own social practices before interiorization rate. A model of success in life the person responsible for multilevel society is individual, schematically, mosaic, with a clear focus on physical performance.

Keywords: society, globalization, personality, life success, framing, values.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.58741


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