А. М. Горшеньова


У  статті  розглянута  проблема  впливу  сімейного  оточення  на майбутній вибір старшокласника.

Ключові  слова:  кар’єра,  професійна  консультація,  співпраця, самоповага, сімейна атмосфера

В  статье  рассматривается  проблема  влияния  семейного  окружения на будущий выбор старшеклассника

Ключевые  слова:  карьера,  профессиональная  консультация, сотрудничество, самоуважение, семейная атмосфера.  

The article deals with the role of family in senior pupils’ vocational guiding. The types of family support are shown in this article. The aim of our article is to identify some variables from the family environment which have an impact on pupil's decision for a future career. Choosing a career represents a very important decision for a person's professional trajectory. Due to the fact that the decision-making process starts early on, the senior pupils' decision are modeled by family influences. Variables such as family structure, roles assumed by each member, relationships between the members, the system of values and attitudes which lie at the basis of behaviors, influence career choice and development. In this article we mentioned that a person goes through several stages in the decision-making process and the first step is becoming aware of the need to take a career-related decision, followed by the establishment of a range of alternatives- built on the basis of knowing one's own skills, interests and professional values. Throughout the decision-making process, the family represents the support and stability element for the senior pupil: the financial support (material support), the human capital (skills and abilities), the social support (the parent-child relationships and interactions).  In our research we also revealed the idea of  different types of support given by parents. Unlike the father, the mother involves herself more intensively when it comes to career-related plans, by initiating concrete actions, but also by giving psychosocial support. Parents who are affectionate, tolerant, stimulative and performance-oriented get more involved in the pupil’s vocational development. Also, pupils with securing attachment are more open to guidance, to vocational exploring. The prospective direction of further research is a detection of an impact of parenting styles on senior pupils. 

Key words: career, vocational guiding, partnership, self-esteem, family influences

Повний текст:



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