Т. О. Філіппова


В статті розглянуто культурно-антропологічне підгрунтя просторової організації міста. Робиться висновок, що соціокультурний простір міста існує як внутрішній, осмислений простір, тільки для містян. Місто має ряд антропологічних характеристик, які формуються через особливе соціальне та просторове середовища. Місто через виконання своїх функції має різний вплив на особистість, змінюючи культурні та екзистенціальні контексти її життєдіяльності. Міська культура, забезпечує існування «людини міської», має великий вплив не тільки на стандартну і звичну поведінку людей, але і на їх спосіб мислення і світовідчуття.

Ключові слова: місто, час, міський простір.

Cultural-anthropological principles of space organization of the city are presented in the article. It is determined that the city is an anthropogenic environment formed by a human; it is a landscape where cultural features of a human are described. On the one hand, a human creates complex sociocultural reality in the city. On the other hand, appearance of the city limited life with certain time bounds and circumstances that change its nature. Sociocultural space of the city contributes to economical and cultural development, prospect of comfortable life and wide possibilities for person’s identification. The city is a complete world of objective reality with a specific dynamic. The city is not static in its existence. Process of emergence, transformation and 82 Науковий вісник. becoming with proper rhythm, movement and consistency are distinctive for the city. The sights of the city and architecture are symbols of the city and they relate to its image. The image of the city is a structure of description with a specific language. It is defined that perception of the city is determined by sociocultural environment as a personality looks at the social reality in terms of group norms. However, the design of images is an individual process affected by a certain sociocultural situation. The image of the city emerges in the individual as a result of interaction of objective-spatial environment and time. The passage of time is different in societies, in towns and cities. Intensive rhythm of life worsens appreciation for life in the city. It is concluded in the article that sociocultural space of the city exists as an interior, cognitive space only for urban residents. The city has a range of anthropological characteristics which are formed with personal social and space environment. The city has different influence on a personality changing cultural and existential contexts of her living. Urban culture provides being of an urban dweller, has a huge impact not only on standard and learned behavior but also on their way of thinking and world perception.

Key words: the city, time, urban space, J. Baudrillard.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34142/23131675.2019.52.2.08


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