І. Г. Мухіна


У статті розкриваються проблеми гуманізації пострадянської системи культури і освіти. Звертається увага на специфіку формування національної культурно-освітнього простору в контексті світових глобалізаційних процесів. Аналізуються цільові орієнтири освіти, які сприяють розвитку і самовдосконалення особистості. Робиться спроба виділити аксиологические аспекти нової парадигми освіти, спрямовані на створення нової системи цінностей.

Ключові слова: глобалізація, освіта, детермінанти, культурно-освітній простір.


В статье раскрываются проблемы гуманизации постсоветской системы культуры и образования. Обращается внимание на специфику формирования национального культурно-образовательного пространства в контексте мировых глобализационных процессов. Анализируются целевые ориентиры образования, которые способствуют развитию и самосовершенствованию личности. Делается попытка выделить аксиологические аспекты новой парадигмы образования, направленные на создание новой системы ценностей.

Ключевые слова: глобализация, образование, детерминанты, культурно-образовательное пространство


In this article the problems of the humanization of the post-soviet system of culture and education are disclosed. We pay attention to the peculiarities of the formation of the national culture-educational space in the movement of the global processes. The destination key point of the modern education which favours the development and the person’s self perfection is analysed. We try to separate out the axiological aspects of the new paradigm of education, concentrating on the formation of the new value system. The first landmark is aimed at creating conditions for the acquisition of professional activities, give the skills to attract a person to socially useful work in accordance with its aspirations and capabilities. The second landmark education advocates education of citizens socially active, creative, responsible members of society, who are guided by a system of universal and national values and ideals, which are capable of creative and innovative transformation in production and social relations, to participate in management. The third target guideline of education should be to the satisfaction of needs of industry for skilled workers who meet the requirements of social and scientific progress, have a broad general education and professional world, occupational mobility. Actualizes the problem of generating ideological atmosphere that can influence the process effectively, but not repressive.In the context of the formation of the post-Soviet cultural and educational space there is a need for democratization and humanization of education and culture, actualized the need for understanding the personality of their national and civic identity. Analysis of the dominant values of modern education and culture system allows the author to highlight a number of fundamental problems that need to allow all post-Soviet society. Valuable part of the modernization of the educational space is to cultivate the national elite, the formation of a political nation, the socialization of the young generation, as well as justification of the national idea and its broadcast by all media. The new educational paradigm "knowledge society" provides access to information and knowledge, the expansion of the personal participation of citizens in the production of a variety of changes in all spheres of life, therefore, education should be to create conditions under which people will be creative and willing to change. The conclusion is that the cultural and educational environment should create conditions for the development and self-development, and education should be linked with the mastery of socially significant experience embodied in the knowledge and skills of creative activity, sensuous forms of spiritual and practical development of the world. Cultural-educational space should reflect the need for social connection of traditional national values with innovative values of global culture.

Key words: globalization, education, determinants culture-educational space.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.546402


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