В. В. Лобас


Выдвигается идея того что йога может выполнять роль антропотехники человека. Анализируя философию ХХ – XXI века сталкиваемся с необходимостью развивать человека как духовно, так и физически, конструировать себя, внедрять новые привычки и техники мышления.  Автор предлагает рассмотреть философию йоги в контексте ее культурно-образовательных смыслов.

Ключевые слова: философия йоги,  горизонтально-вертикальная система координат роста человека, имманентное, трансцендентное, культурные техники.


Висувається ідея того що йога може виконувати роль антропотехніки людини. Аналізуючи філософію ХХ - XXI століття ми стикаємося з необхідністю розвивати людину як духовно, так і фізично, конструювати себе, впроваджувати нові звички і техніку мислення. Автор пропонує розглянути філософію йоги в контексті її культурно-освітніх сенсів.

Ключові слова: філософія йоги, горизонтально-вертикальна система координат зростання людини, іманентне, трансцендентне, культурнi техніки.


Analyzing tendencies of civilization development we observe expansion of technological and technical growth. Attention of modern society rotates around values of an innovation and progress, whereas the interest towards spiritual aspects of life does not enter the basic value system of technogenic culture. In the same time, more individuals face burn out, depression, loneliness and lack of life meanings and directions. The author suggests to consider yoga philosophy in the context of its cultural and educational meanings for the individual  of the 21st century.

Today's academism of philosophy even more often begins "to decorate" our life with the forgotten philosophical doctrines, the wisdom of which pays our attention to synthesis of theoretical and practical knowledge. Among them – yoga philosophy. On the one hand, yoga is known as philosophical texts and doctrines, though in the same time it offers a number of practices, which gradually grow in to the completely new lifestyle, which aims the wellbeing and fulfillment of an individual. Deeper studying of yoga not only as practice of physical transformation, but also spiritual is a subject of this article. The philosophy of yoga reveals its potential and the hidden meanings as a new type of the human anthropology, opening new horizons of life in which theoretical and practical wisdoms are combined.

The philosophy of yoga gives us a chance to understand accurate techniques of moving towards transcendental and opens new paths of personal spiritual development. At the same time yoga puts emphasis on the practical life, since realization of spiritual aspects happens on the day-to-day basis. The 21st century shifts common needs of the individual, moving attention from simple desire to survive and organize comfortable space towards the desire of the person to be complete, fulfilled and in harmony with the body, mind, soul and life. For this reason yoga acts as a defined anthropology, which enriches the European person with certain meanings and skills to support his self-realization in this life.

Keywords: yoga philosophy, horizontally vertical system of coordinates of human height, immanent, transcendental, cultural technicians.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1300217


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