Л. В. Пасічник


Статтю присвячено визначенню світогляду, а також вплив класичної художньої літератури на світоглядні орієнтири особистості протягом життя. Зазначено про роль читання класичної літератури в духовному просторі сучасної людини.


Ключові слова: світогляд, художня література, книга, особистість, духовний простір.


Статья посвящена определению мировоззрения, а также влияние классической художественной литературы на мировоззренческие ориентиры личности в течение жизни. Отмечена роль чтения классической литературы в духовном пространстве современного человека.


Ключевые слова: мировоззрение, художественная литература, книга, личность, духовное пространство.


The article is devoted to the definition of ideology and the influence of classical literature in the ideological orientation of the individual throughout life. The role of reading classical literature in the spiritual space of modern man.

A book can be considered an unique form maintenance and distribution of the accumulated knowledge, it is foundation of spiritual culture of people. In the process of reading a man cognizes existence, for her the idea about the world, that in philosophy is named a world view, is created. In this article we tried to investigate that such world view and as fiction influences on him.

Many scientists investigated a self concept world view, but an unanimous idea is not in relation to determination of concept. Everybody has his personal world view, id est everybody has a common idea about the world, society and about itself. A world view appears in matters, acts, decisions in consciousness.

System of higher spiritual values, codes of conduct, skills and knowledge is all represented in works of large writers. It is thus important to mark that classic literature, on the essence, universal: nationalism in her is insignificantly present, at least, he in any way is not shown in the best aspirations and gusts of the soul of heroes of literary works. The classics are eternal, as a conscience, responsibility, love and sympathy, is eternal. And without these constituents the world, certainly, will not survive. The large role of reading of classic fiction in life of man is underlined by practically all writers, philosophers, historians. It costs to mark that reading, in particular the best standards of world literature - it one of basic methods of forming of world view of personality.

Keywords: world view, fiction, book, person, spiritual space.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.345307


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