А. О. Михальчук


Здійснено семіотичний аналіз впливу окультизму на стрімкий розвиток криптографії в добу раннього Відродження. Проаналізовано окультизм як елемент практичної криптографії раннього періоду Ренесансу. Зіставляється філософсько-семіотична ідея коду з інженерно-математичною та естетичною формами запису шифру в його домінантному (шифрованому) вигляді.  

Ключові слова: окультизм, криптографія, код, шифр, символогія, шифрувальні пристрої, езотерика знаку.


Осуществлен семиотический анализ влияния оккультизма на стремительное развитие криптографии в эпоху раннего Возрождения. Проанализирован оккультизм как элемент практической криптографии раннего периода Ренессанса. Сопоставляется философско-семиотическая идея кода с инженерно-математической и эстетической формами записи шифра в его доминантном (зашифрованном) виде.

Ключевые слова: оккультизм, криптография, код, шифр, симвология, шифровальные устройства, эзотерика знака.


The article deals with the semiotic aspect of occult's effect for the rapid development of cryptography at the time of the early Renaissance. An analysis is made of the emergence of occultism as an element of practical cryptography of the early Renaissance period. The philosophical semiotic idea of the code is combined with the engineering, mathematical and aesthetic forms of writing the code in its dominant (encrypted) form.

Cryptography embodies the search and interpretation of encoded information throughout the centuries-old history of mankind. Cryptography originated in the period of the ancient world, however, it was undergoing rapid development only at the turn of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - the code completed the era of the writing style and moved to the "New World" graphic coding. The development of hermeneutical symbols, semiotics, and culture has moved the "sacred" significance of the code to a new level of scientific knowledge - a mysterious image of culture and art.  The era of the early Renaissance made it possible to grasp deeper the meaning of practical cryptography through the eyes of occultism - the philosophical course that leading an aggressive policy against religion and preserving "secret" information in any way possible until a new era of science and scientific and technological progress has begun for mankind.

One of the factors for the development of many philosophical trends was the loss of dominance of religion and its direct influence on the culture of many peoples of Europe.  It was during this period that the philosophical currents began their own way, including occultism.  With the spread of the influence of occultism, not only architecture, sculpture, painting and art have changed, but also the consciousness of people. The well-known occultist Agrippa wrote that occultism is one way of understanding nature and man.  Any complex geometric figure embodies the "sacred" elements of the code (cipher) and opens only when a combination of certain alchemical substances is introduced.  All these philosophical and occult ideas became the light for the practical cryptography of the 15th century, where occultism played an extremely important role in the development of ciphers and encryption devices whose purpose was to preserve "secret" information.

The philosophical and semiotic concept of cultivation has made an extremely large contribution to the cultural heritage of mankind and made it possible to take steps in the study of incomprehensible and mysterious. The occultism probably could made the practical cryptography developed not only as a science of ciphers and encryption devices, but also significantly changed the meaning of the code and its functional features. Cryptography received a new scientific foundation, which in turn created the bridge between the "mysterious" world of ciphers and their rational interpretation and practical use.

Keywords: occultism, cryptography, code, cipher, symbolism, encryption devices, esoteric sign.


Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1300220


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