Н. О. Стеблина


У сучасному цифровому політичному дискурсі повідомлення поширюються в умовах функціонування «гібридної медіасистеми»: за допомогою як традиційних каналів (мас-медіа, прес-служби), так і нових (соцмережі). У статті на матеріалі «Української правди» визначається, що традиційні канали (ЗМІ) – значно переважають над рештою.

Проте у ЗМІ найбільше використовуються передруки, а ексклюзивні повідомлення під час важливих для країни подій практично не відіграють значної ролі. Повідомлення прес-служб вийшли на перший план тільки двічі, соцмережі – посідали третю позицію.

Ключові слова: цифровий політичний дискурс, Україна, «гібридна медіасистема», «Українська правда», соцмережі.


В современном цифровом политическом дискурсе сообщения распространяются в условиях функционирования «гибридной медиасистемы»: при помощи как традиционных каналов (масс-медиа, пресс-службы), так и новых (соцсети). В статье на материале «Украинской правды» определяется, что традиционные каналы (СМИ) – имеют значительное преимущество над остальными. Но в СМИ наиболее представлены перепечатки, а эксклюзивные сообщения во время важных событий практически не имеют значительной роли. Сообщения пресс-служб вышли на первый план только дважды, соцсети – занимали третью позицию.

Ключевые слова: цифровой политический дискурс, Украина, «гибридная медиасистема», «Украинская правда», соцсети.


Nowadays political texts are disseminating in the reality of digital political discourse and «hybrid media system» (Chadwick), where both traditional channels (mass media, press services) and new ones (social networks) are represented. Thus, it’s important to understand the dynamics of the channels functioning. In order to do so, political texts from one of the leading Ukrainian online mass media («Ukrains’ka Pravda») are content analyzed (25 October – 24 December 2018). A Python computer program (regular expressions) was designed and used for this purpose.

In the Ukrainian digital political discourse mass media are widely used, and the number of reprints from local, all-Ukrainian and international news sites is the largest. As a rule, during the weekends the percentage of reprints grows. However, exclusive news items usage is minimal, and there is no significant dynamics during important events for the national agenda. Press-services were exploited more often, than mass-media, reprints only twice: during the Azov crisis (25th of November) and the day before the Unification council of the Eastern Orthodox churches of Ukraine. The results demonstrates the reality of digital discourse in the circumstances of information overflow: the list of mass-media, used for the reprints, contains about 500 positions. And press-services’ texts may not be both: salient and influential for shaping the agenda. Social networks (Facebook and Twitter were studied) are on the third position. There were only three days, when the usage of the networks and press services was almost the same: 29th of October (breaking international events plane crash and a terrorist attack), 4th of November (death of Ukrainian activist) and 30th of November (Azov crisis discussion). And, non-elite political actors were represented only in the second case.

Keywords: digital political discourse, Ukraine, «hybrid media system», «Ukrains’ka Pravda», social networks.

Повний текст:



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McGranahan, C. 2019. A Presidential Archive of Lies: Racism, Twitter, and a History of the Present. International Journal of Communication, 13, р. 3164–3182.

McLaughlin, B. Becoming a Presidential Candidate: Social Media Following and Politician Identification. Mass Communication and Society, 22(5), р. 584-603.

Ott, B. L. 2017. The age of Twitter: Donald J. Trump and the politics of debasement. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 34(1), р. 59-68.

Pérez-Curiel, C. and Naharro, P. L. 2019. Political influencers. A study of Donald Trump's personal brand on Twitter and its impact on the media and users. Comunicacion y Sociedad, 32(1), р. 57-76.

Schneiker, A. 2019. Telling the Story of the Superhero and the Anti-Politician as President: Donald Trump’s Branding on Twitter. Political Studies Review, 17(3), р. 210–223.

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Bossetta, M. 2018. The Digital Architectures of Social Media: Comparing Political Campaigning on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat in the 2016 U.S. Election. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 95(2), p. 471–496.

Broersma, M. and Graham, T. S. 2013. Twitter as a news source: How Dutch and British newspapers used tweets in their news coverage, 2007–2011. Journalism Practice, 7(4), p. 446-464.

Cappelletti, A. 2019. Between Centrality and Re-scaled Identity: A New Role for the Chinese State in Shaping China's Image Abroad: The Case of the Twitter Account. Chin. Polit. Sci. Rev, 4(3), р. 349–374.

Chadwick, A. 2011. The Political Information Cycle in a Hybrid News System: The British Prime Minister and the “Bullygate” Affair. International Journal of Press/Politics, 1(16), р. 3-29.

Deuze, M. 2004. The Web and its Journalists: considering the consequences of different types of news media online. New Media & Society, 2(5), р. 203-230.

Garcia-Ortega, C. and Zugasti-Azagra, R. 2018. The management of the candidates' Twitter accounts in the Spanish 2016 general elections: Between self-referentiality and media hybridization. El Profesional de la Información, 27(6), р. 1215-1224.

Gibson, J. 2017. A crisis of relevance. Columbia Journalism Review [online]. Available at: [Accessed 04 November 2019].

Heiss, R., von Sikorski C. and Matthes, J. Populist Twitter Posts in News Stories: Statement Recognition and the Polarizing Effects on Candidate Evaluation and Anti-Immigrant Attitudes. Journalism Practice, 13, р. 20-38.

Iggers, J. 1999. Good News, Bad News. Journalism. Ethics and the Public Interest. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.

Matuszewski, P. and Szabó, G. 2019. Are Echo Chambers Based on Partisanship? Twitter and Political Polarity in Poland and Hungary. Social Media + Society [online]. Available at: [Accessed 04 November 2019].

McGranahan, C. 2019. A Presidential Archive of Lies: Racism, Twitter, and a History of the Present. International Journal of Communication, 13, р. 3164–3182.

McLaughlin, B. Becoming a Presidential Candidate: Social Media Following and Politician Identification. Mass Communication and Society, 22(5), р. 584-603.

Ott, B. L. 2017. The age of Twitter: Donald J. Trump and the politics of debasement. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 34(1), р. 59-68.

Pérez-Curiel, C. and Naharro, P. L. 2019. Political influencers. A study of Donald Trump's personal brand on Twitter and its impact on the media and users. Comunicacion y Sociedad, 32(1), р. 57-76.

Schneiker, A. 2019. Telling the Story of the Superhero and the Anti-Politician as President: Donald Trump’s Branding on Twitter. Political Studies Review, 17(3), р. 210–223.

Steensen, S. 2011. Online Journalism and Promises of New Technology. Journalism Studies, 12 (3), р. 311-327.

Stetka, V. and Surowiec, P. 2019. Facebook as an Instrument of Election Campaigning and Voters’ Engagement: Comparing Czechia and Poland. European Journal of Communication, 34(2), р. 121-141.

Suárez, E. 2018. “The present crisis of Western democracy is a crisis of journalism”. Nieman Reports [online]. Available at: [Accessed 04 November 2019].

Thompson, M. 2016. Enough Said: What's Gone Wrong with the Language of Politics? New York : St. Martin's Press.

Villar, S. and María, J. The use of blogs as social media tools of political communication: citizen journalism and public opinion 2.0. Communication & Society, 32(1), р. 39-55.



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