Ю. О. Тяпкіна


У статті уточнюється проблемне поле армії у контексті аналізу теоретичної спадщини Ч. Міллса. Увага акцентується на розгляді функціонального потенціалу системи військового відомства як одного із провідних соціальних інститутів сучасного суспільства у контексті розкриття історії його взаємодії з іншими структурними утвореннями соціуму (історичний аспект), а також з позиції аналізу поточної міжнародної ситуації у світі (сучасний вимір).

Ключові слова: концепція, пануюча еліта, економіка, політика, армія.


В статье уточняется проблемное поле армии в контексте анализа теоретического наследия Ч. Миллса. Внимание акцентируется на рассмотрении функционального потенциала системы военного ведомства как одного из ведущих социальных институтов современного общества в контексте раскрытия истории его взаимодействия с другими структурными образованиями социума (исторический аспект), а также с позиции анализа текущей международной ситуации в мире (современное измерение).

Ключевые слова: концепция, господствующая элита, экономика, политика, армия.


Familiarity with the work of foreign and domestic experts in the research of the problem field of the modern army reflected the fact that out of sight is the scientific legacy of the author of the concept of the ruling elite Ch. Mills. In the context of the development of his theoretical construction certain substantive political and institutional aspects of the existence and functioning of the army as a structural component of modern society were considered. The content of this theoretical construction forms interdependent provisions about the nature and function of a special ruling group, which is considered as a free union of leaders of social institutions dominant in society. By analyzing the main provisions of the concept of the ruling elite, Ch. Mills interprets a number of significant aspects in the development and functioning of the army as one of the leading institutes of modern society. The researcher considers such aspects as the history of the transformation of the army into one of the leading structural units of the American society, the specifics of the emergence and formation of American society, the peculiarities of the development of the international situation in the world after the end of the Second World War, the traditions of training and professional development of professional soldiers in modern American society, and so on. Ch. Mills notes that the church and family have significantly reduced their influence on the consciousness of the citizens of the country both at the state and at the personal level, in connection with the emergence of new trends in the life of modern society, and focuses on the fact that mass media have become the leading means the formation of social thought and individual consciousness. The researcher concludes that the increase in the influence of the military department after the Second World War was not only in the fields of politics, economics, science and education, but also in the area of public opinion formation. That is, such social institutions as church, education, science, mass media and others begin to actively cooperate with the military department in the context of the process that continues the militarization of American society and the growing threat of the emergence of the Third World War.

Key words: concept, dominating elite, economy, policy, army.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1402762


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