
Today, the issue of tolerance in society is extremely important for all countries of the world, and in particular for China. For some countries, its relevance is related to religious aspects, for others – to socio-ethnic, linguistic and other ones. China defines tolerance as an urgent need of modern Chinese society not only through internal processes, but also because of the intensification on the strategy “One Belt – One Road”.Scientists consider the preparation of future teachers for tolerance education as a process aimed at obtaining a complex of pedagogical, psychological, methodological and special knowledge necessary for the implementation of educational work in theindicated direction of education. These processes are to begin from the very first days of a child’s stay in primary school, therefore, special attention in the PR China is paid topreparing teachers of primary school and preschool institutions of all forms of ownership and organization for the education of tolerance.

Ключові слова

PR China; professional education; teachers` training system; tolerance; competence approach; personality-oriented approach.

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