О. А. Пономарьова


Досліджено  стан 10-річних  дерев  у  лінійних  насадженнях  біля  автомагістралі  з високою  інтенсивністю  руху (близько 70 тисяч  автомобілів  на  добу).  Встановлено,  що кількість  дерев,  що  перебувають  у  доброму  стані,  на  кінець  вегетації  зменшується  втричі, з’являються  відмерлі  екземпляри.  Виявлено,  що  найбільш  стійкими  за  показниками фотосинтетичного  апарату  і  водоутримуючої  здатності  є  представники  роду  Acer  L.: Acer saccharinum,  A. pseudoplatanus,  A.  рlatanoides.  Найгірше  переносять  несприятливі  умови зростання Tilia cordata та Sorbus aucuparia.

Ключові  слова:  життєвий  стан,  примагістральні  насадження,  морфофізіологічні показники.

Analysis of the vitality of young roadside Dnipropetrovsk plantings based on morphological and physiological parameters. Ponomaryova O.А. – The high level of pollution in large cities together with asphalt covering require plants to mobilize resistance mechanisms. Woody plants are used to monitor the environment changes. Morphophysiological changes within trees indicators under the negative environmental influence can measure the impact of human actions. The formation of local plants should be directed to enrich their species’ structure. Thus, there appears a current interest in examining and testing the condition of regional plants for making up recommendations to implement complex system of methods. The aim of this study was to examine the condition of the sapling growing in the regions with high intensity of traffic. Instead of the uprooted poplars the young trees were planted in 2011. The living conditions of the trees were identified by standard methods.  After the inventarization of the plants of the 5-km length «Gazeta Pravda» street  it was found out that there were 407 plants of 7 species and of one form, which belong to 3 families. The age of these trees is 10 years. There were mainly such sorts of plantings as Aceraceae and Tiliaceae, submitted by such sorts as Acer saccharinum, Acer pseudoplatanus and Tilia europaea, their percentage ratio is 50,4; 12,3 and 12,3 % relatively.  Tilia cordata’s - 9,8 %, Tilia platyphyllos’ - 6,9 % and Acer platanoides’ - 6,6 % take the second position from the total number of all species. The fractions of Sorbus aucuparia and Tilia europaea f. 'Vitifolia' are 1,0 and 0,7 % relatively. The test of the trees’ condition showed that 88,2 % of the trees  were in good condition, 11,6 %  were satisfactory, 0,8 % were in poor condition. At the end of the growing season 27 % of the trees were found in good condition, 56 % were satisfactory, 16,5 %were un satisfactory  from the total number of the trees, 0,5 % of the plants were dead. Thus, in comparison with June research of the total living state of the young trees from the avenue worsened significantly by the end of the growing season. Particularly the Tilia europaea, T. europaea f. Vitifolia, T. platyphyllos suffered. The most resistant plants were Acer pseudoplatanus and A. saccharinum. One of the biggest informative indicators of the plant’s water metabolism, which describes their drought resistance, is water-retaining capacity. The moisture loss of Sorbus aucuparia leaves was almost the same both at the beginning and at the end of the growing season. Tilia cordata and T. europaea lost 40% water during the growing season, T. platyphyllos doubled this result. There was more significant growth of water-holding capacity of Acer L. Acer platanoides at the beginning of the growing season the humidity loss was 17,1 % after 120 minutes at the end it was 2,7 %, which shows reducing humidity loss by 84,0 %. A. pseudoplatanus water losses decreased by 92,0 % or by 13,5 times, A. saccharinum – 76 % or 4,4 times. Thus, the smallest fluctuations in the humidity loss by 120 minutes are observed in such species as Sorbus aucuparia, Tilia cordata and Tilia europaea. The biggest strengthening of water-holding capacity was found in the Acer pseudoplatanus, A. platanoides and A. saccharinum leaves. The green pigments availability is one of the main features of plant adaptation to the environment by means of photosynthetic mechanism and it revels the specific adaptation of the plants to unfavorable environmental conditions. The peak of green pigments reduce is observed in Tilia cordata (73,6 %). The photosynthetic maples apparatus is less responsive to unfavorable environmental conditions. There is a fall in the chlorophyll content sum a + b at Acer saccharinum by 49 %, at Acer platanoides by 10,3 % and Acer pseudoplatanus by 12,3 %. The pigment content of the Sorbus aucuparia leaves increased by 22 % at the end of the growing season. It should be mentioned that Tilia europaea has the smallest content of absolute pigment. Its quantity doesn’t reduce in comparison with others. All the maple species has great reduction of leaf space. There is insignificant difference of leaf area between Tilia europaea, Sorbus aucuparia and Tilia cordata. The greatest reduction in the growth of the shoot is observed in such species as Sorbus aucuparia, Tilia europaea,  Acer pseudoplatanus and Acer saccharinum. The less significant difference is between Tilia cordata, Tilia platyphyllos and Acer platanoides.

Key words: living condition, highway plantings, morphological parameters.


Исследовано  состояние 10-летних деревьев в линейных насаждениях около автомагистрали с высокой интенсивностью движения (70 тысяч автомобилей в сутки). Установлено, что количество деревьев в хорошем состоянии  к  концу  вегетации  уменьшается  втрое,  появляются  отмершие  экземпляры. Наиболее  стойкими  по  показателям  фотосинтетического  аппарата  и  водоудерживающей способности выявлены виды рода Acer L.: Acer saccharinum, A. pseudoplatanus, A. рlatanoides. Хуже всего переносят неблагоприятные условия роста Tilia cordata и Sorbus aucuparia.

Ключевые  слова:  жизненное  состояние,  примагистральные  насаждения, морфофизиологические показатели.

Повний текст:



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