О. В. Дьякова


У статті аналізується народна топоніміка Харкова. Вона розкриває такі важливі для краєзнавства теми, як заснування і заселення краю, особливості менталітету місцевого населення. Авторка визначає взаємовплив народної й офіційної урбаніміки, виділяє групи народної топоніміки: назви, які не можна змінити, зниклі найменування і номінації, що можуть зникнути через зміну офіційного урбаноніму чи певні обставини.

Ключові слова: народна топоніміка, офіційна урбаніміка, незникаючі назви, зниклі назви, селища, житлові масиви, будинок, торговельно-побутовий заклад.


В статье анализируется народная топонимика Харькова, которая раскрывает такие важные для краеведения темы, как основание и заселение края, особенности менталитета местного населения. Автор определяет взаимовлияние народной и официальной урбанимики, выделяет группы народной топонимики: названия, которые невозможно изменить, исчезнувшие наименования и номинации, которые могут исчезнуть при смене официального урбанонима или сложившихся обстоятельствах.

Ключевые слова: народная топонимика, официальная урбанимика, неисчезающие названия, исчезнувшие названия, поселки, жилой массив, дом, торгово-бытовое учреждение.


Actuality: The origin and meaning of toponyms was always interested by many people. In return, a lot of names disappear from city maps and historical memory. But the existing and disappeared toponyms reveal the important topics for local history as the foundation and the settlement of the region, the mentality of local population (the attitude to original urbanonyms, wittiness etc.). The proclamation of independence of Ukraine and an attempt of some political groups to change street names, squares etc., the Ukrainian residential areas have to refer to the historical past and the expediency of return of some local names of the street-road system. Therefore, the aim of this article is the identification of the types of folk toponyms of Kharkov, to illuminate the technique of its nomination. At the beginning the author considers it is necessary to give a definition of the term "folk toponymy" for a better understanding of the context of the article. Under this term the author defines the city's names, which are used by ordinary citizens to determine the specific location of the object on the terrain. Unlike official toponyms folk ones are not fixed in urban registers of the street-road system. Folk toponyms can be divided into two categories: those which became official names, and those which remained folk. A part of the folk names later became the name of the street-road system. For example, Sumska Street, Belgorodska Street (now Shevchenko Street), Zmiivska Street (now Prospekt Gagarina), Moskovska Street (now eponymous Avenue), Poltavskii Shlyah, Saltivske Shose, etc. At the beginning of the establishment of Kharkiv, they were the roads that led from the fortress to certain settlements. For toponyms which remained "unofficial", have to determine the names of the villages as Panasivka, Ivanivka, Zhyravlivka, HTZ district, Zhykovskogo, etc. They are considered to be the nomination of small living areas, which at various times became the part of Kharkiv, or residential areas that appeared in the city in the 19-20th century. Although these urbanonyms are not official, but they are widely used and preserved in the names of streets and alleys. Of course, for more than 360 years of Kharkiv, the part of toponyms disappeared. Therefore, folk toponyms can be divided into missing, endangered and existing. Among the missing nominations of toponyms "city" Zakharkivska, Zalopanska and Zanetechinska should be mentioned. Nowadays we can still notice the disappearance of some folk urbanonyms. Among the recently disappeared names such as "Brehalovka", "Kulemet", "Pyatero viyshli iz lombardy" should be mentioned. Among the endangered urbanonyms, the names of the houses such as Budinok Slova, Chervonoi Profesyru, Novij Pobyt, etc should be highlighted. The existing urbanonyms should be devided into those that will exist permanently, and such that might disappear. For the first category: Saburova dacha, Blagbaz, Pavlovo Pole, Shatilivka should be included. The threat of the disappearance of any folk name can be associated with a change of an official toponym. I would also like to highlight "dubious" folk toponyms: "a fountain", "on the stairs", "a shop", "a cinema", "at the monument", etc. Conclusion: Thus, folk toponymy of Kharkiv presents a large number of names. These names exist close to the official ones, influencing each other. At the same time, folk names are used for precision of the placement of certain objects, if it is difficult to explain with the help of the official urbanonymy. The most part of them is stable and cannot disappear, because deeply embedded in the historical memory of the city. The part of urbanonyms disappeared and the same tendency exists because not all of them stand the test of time. In a further study I have to find out how the folk toponymy is connected with the local and Ukrainian history.

Keywords: folk toponymy, the official urbanmech, nonvanishing of names, missing names, towns, residential, home, commercial-residential institution.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.34405


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