Т. П. Беценко


У статті проаналізовано семантику та емоційно-експресивне забарвлення слова-образу глечик у віршовій мові В. Голобородька. Обґрунтовано змістову вагу лексеми глечик у поетичному слововживанні митця. З’ясовано, що конотативні відтінки аналізованого слова-образу пов’язані з традиційною культурою побуту українців.

Ключові слова: поетична мова, індивідуально-авторський стиль, поетичний мовосвіт, мовно-естетичний знак, поетичне мовотворення, ліричний контекст, семантика образу-символу, конотативний відтінок, емоційно-експресивний зміст.


The artistic-pictorial system of V. Holoborodko’s poetic works is based on his own – nationally marked words in every way. Each element of the linguistic-visionary poetic paradigm of the artist is imbued with national colour, national-linguistic art, related to ancient folklore sources. The poetic picture of ethnic existence in the vision of the artist – originally simple and understandable; Its cores are known, known to all realities. Attention is drawn to redefined in the artistic name of the dishes. In V. Holoborodko’s poetic universe the jug appears as an element (component) of the macrocosm. Therefore, the philosophy of the poetic thought of the artist is based on the notion that the designated object – the most ancient and universal in everyday use – contains the world and eternity in itself. The article analyzes the semantics and emotionally expressive colouring of the image word jug in the poetic speech of V. Holoborodko. The substantive significance of the pitcher lexeme in the artist’s poetic usage of the word is substantiated. It has been found that the connotative shades of the considered image word are connected with the traditional culture of everyday life of the Ukrainians. In the poet’s figuratively-associative linguistic map, the jug appears as an attribute of harmony of feelings, coherence, understanding, sympathy, as a symbol of the love of young hearts. The linguistic sign of the jug can be considered a poetic universality of Vasyl Holoborodko. This is the favorite artistic image of the writer. Consequently, the word-image of the jug in the poetic language of the writer is a significant and artistically significant reality. In the mind of the artist, he combines the seven «symbol of national existence», «the attribute of rural life», «the original remarkable decoration of the kitchen utensils of our ancestors», «the contents of the past and future, coming»; «Macrocosm and matter of eternity of ethnic existence». So the jug with milk is a symbol of femininity and motherhood, a jug for two is a «symbol of love». The linguistic and aesthetic poetic sign of the jug is marked by emotions of exaltation, solemnity, majesty. This is a symbol of Ukrainian rural life.

Key words: poetic language, individual author’s style, poetic linguistic world, cultural and aesthetic sign, poetic language creation, lyrical context, semantics of the image-symbol, connotative shade, emotional and expressive content.

Повний текст:



Голобородько В. Повне зібрання віршів. URL: http://www.:tisk.org.ua/?p=8440.

Жайворонок В. Знаки української етнокультури: словник-довідник. Київ: Довіра, 2006. 703 с.


Holoborodko, V. Povne zibrannya virshiv. Retrieved from http://www.:tisk.org.ua/?p=8440 [in Ukrainian].

Zhayvoronok, V. (2006). Znaky ukrayinskoyi etnokultury: Slovnyk-dovidnyk. Kyiv: Dovira, 2006. 703 s [in Ukrainian].

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34142/23127546.2019.50.19


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