Т. В. Охріменко


У статті подано аналіз уживаної в українському, російському та білоруському дискурсах останніх століть грошової номінації ШАГ. Семантика цього метафоризованого терміна пов’язана із первинним значенням ‘крок’ та вторинним – ‘найменша грошова одиниця (найчастіше монета) в обігу серед основного населення країни’. ШАГ утворює історичне членство в лексико-семантичній групі, яка характеризується спільним значенням ‘дрібні розмінні гроші’: тригрошевик, прост. трояк, півкопійки, гріш, деньга, поштова марка, знак поштової оплати, поштова мініатюра.

Ключові слова: гроші, грошовий знак, знак оплати, поштова марка.


The article analyzes the interdisciplinary object of research, which is interesting for the modern globalized era. These are monetary nominations that reflect the material and spiritual culture of the everyday life of nations and are manifested in the types of discourse of monetary relations. The purpose of this study is lexicographic, historical and discursive analysis of the semantics of the monetary nomination SHAH. This name arose in the East Slavic language space and denoted the monetary unit of small-scale. The monetary nomination SHAH is fixed on the material of the vocabulary articles of East Slavic lexicography, in printed numismatic directories and in various types of discourse. It is noted that the semantics of the metaphorical SHAH is associated with the original value of ‘step’ and the secondary one is ‘the smallest currency (most commonly coin) in circulation among the main population of the country’. The SHAH is a member of the lexical-semantic group, which is characterized by the common historical meaning of ‘small amounts of money’: tryhroshevyk (troyak), pivkopiyky, hrish, denha, postage stamp, miniature. The lexeme SHAH in the sense of the monetary unit has become outdated with time; instead, after the revolution, the significance of the SHAH as a move, the portable significance of an unbridled forward movement, which corresponded to the ideology of Soviet politics, was actualized. The notion of the smallest small money was replaced by the Russian and subsequently all-Soviet nomination of a kopiyka. However, the linguistic memory of the Eastern Slavs retained the remote semantic connections of the notion of money with a postage stamp (postal payment sign).

Key words: money, money sign, payment sign, postage stamp.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34142/23127546.2019.50.24


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