Ю. М. Лебеденко


Стаття містить спробу аналізу художніх засобів із компонентом Україна в системі маніпулятивних стратегій передвиборчих програм. Серед засобів найпродуктивнішими є метафори, метонімії, епітети, антитези. Через ці мовні засоби реалізуються такі стратегії, як гіпостазування, спекулятивне аргументування, стратегія використання семіотичної опозиції ≪свій≫ – ≪чужий≫ тощо, з використанням прийому повторювання слова Україна, прийому аналогії, який полягає в намаганні зробити негативний чи позитивний трансфер із подій міжнародного життя на українські реалії та ін.

Ключові слова: мовна маніпуляція, полісемія, метонімія, епітет, антитеза.


Modern linguistic science is marked by an active interest in those phenomena and processes that are closely related to social and political events in our country. Such, undoubtedly, include the election programs of candidates for the post of President of Ukraine. The election program is aimed at understanding the participants of the election discourse and contains advertising of the presidential candidate. The election program is aimed at understanding the participants of the election discourse and contains advertising of the presidential candidate. The peculiarity of the election program is the need to convey the candidate’s promises to the listener and influence his / her choice. One of the means of influence is the usage of artistic means with the Ukraine component.

The preconditions of the manipulative word usage in speech are: polysemy, which causes the possibility of ambiguous interpretation, the acquisition of the word contextual meaning; implicit content, existence of “subtext”; the presence of figurative meaning in words; indirect means of speaker’s expression and emotion; fuzzy, blurred, contradictory concepts; connotative components of the word meaning that contain information about the speaker’s relation to the labeled, etc. All of these language properties are used in election program texts to manipulate a voter’s mind, to create a prerequisite for a candidate (an author of the pre-election speeches) to relate to his or her candidacy. Pre-election campaigning is characterized by the applying of words in figurative meanings as well as in occasional ones. In political discourse linguistic figures with the transference, narrowing, amplification, detailing of meaning are widely represented. One of the most common artistic means is metonymy. By highlighting a part or attribute of certain features of a component Ukraine, sender of the utterance concentrates the voter’s attention on the principal.

Typical for the tactic of enhancing the value of the object of a manipulative of the positive strategy is the functioning of tokens “new”, “democratic”, “successful”, “wealthy”, “rich”, “united”, “free”, “strong”, “independent”, “impressive” and others as an epithet to the component Ukraine.

Applying tactics of a manipulative strategy to increase the significance of the situation, candidates use a stylistic means – antithesis. Polarization of the meanings formed in the voters’ representation by opposing them enhances the semantic effect of the information.

Key words: language manipulation, polysemy, metonymy, epithet, antithesis.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34142/23127546.2019.51.10


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