А. П. Загнітко, Н. Г. Загнітко


У статті розглянуто концепцію іменниково-місцевого відмінка з розкриттям особливостей вияву його форм у лінеарно-позиційній реченнєвій структурі, з’ясуванням первинних (і/чи первинної) і вторинних семантико-синтаксичних функцій іменниково-місцевого та встановленням статусу в системі валентнозумовлених внутрішньореченнєвих позицій. Іменниково-місцевий схарактеризовано на загальному тлі реченнєвого простору та реалізації в регулярних синтагмальних моделях, де найближчим (контактним ↔ безпосереднім) елементом постає аналітична синтаксична морфема ↔ прийменник, а опосередкованим – дієслово, іменник та ін. Інвентар аналітичних синтаксичних морфем ↔ прийменників є функційно обмеженим, водночас він семантично незакріплений, що й зумовлює постійне розширення функційного діапазону іменниково-місцевого, зокрема його предикатного навантаження.

Ключові слова: категорія відмінка, іменниково-місцевий відмінок, лінеарно-позиційна структура речення, підрядний прислівний синтаксичний зв’язок.


Study of the case category, of its different components, is necessary in the consideration of regularties of the parts of speech classes of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, as well as in clarifying the specifics of verbal position – valence-motivated and adjacent – and other issues of the sentence organization. The semi-componentness of categorical structure of the case in the Ukrainian language (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, locative, and vocative) does not exhaust the semantic wealth of this category, which constantly attracts attention that is motivated by: 1) intra-morphological loading (flexional intension, interaction with categories of numbers, gender, and so on); 2) intra-rhetorical functional realizations (forms of subordinate adverbial syntactic communication (control in its varieties of strong, semi-strong, weak, formal adjoining, etc.); 3) semantic-syntactic loading (semantic typology of predicates by valence peculiarities, etc.); 4) communicatively-actualized status (initial, absolutely final, post-finals and other manifestations). The topicality of the consideration of the noun-local case is motivated by its weak character in the intra-category consolidation, an active participation in the reduction of substantive semantics, positional blurriness, and at the same time, the presence of a valence-valued nucleus for fixing the actual-spatial semantics of the local case. The purpose of the study is to establish the formal-grammatical, semantic-syntactic and functional-cognitive status of the local case in the general structure of the grammatical system. The purpose of the study motivates the need to cope with the foreground tasks: 1) characterize the formal representativeness of the locative noun; 2) qualify the semantic-syntactic load of the locative noun; 3) to find out functional-positional and cognitive-qualitative measure of the locative nouns; 4) determine the capacity of the functional-semantic paradigm of the locative noun; 5) keep track of the linear positional attachment of the locative nouns in the diagnosed models. The theoretical relevance of the research is determined by an extended interpretation of the locative noun with arguing of its semantic-syntactic definition, linear positional attachment and functional-cognitive motivation. The novelty of the study is qualified with the fact that the locative nouns are considered informally-grammatical, semantic-syntactic, linear-positional and functional-cognitive measurements for the first time. The practical importance of the analysis is outlined by the possibility of its usage during the course of syntax in universities, considering issues of the theory of language. The study of the locative noun has revealed the functional force and linear-positional consolidation of its primary semantic-syntactic specialized function of static localization with the support on a formal-grammatical expression, the motivation of the form of control of the subordinate proverbial syntactic connection. Most of the secondary semantic-syntactic functions of the locative noun with corresponding formal-grammatical representations are positionally free (moving) in the intra-sentence structure and are based on the adjoining form (case) of the subordinate verbal syntactic connection. Establishing the exhaustive volume of the functional-semantic paradigm of the locative noun is possible under the condition of examination of all valence-valued unconditioned implementations. The most functionally loaded is the study of secondary specifications and specializations of the locative noun, with outline of: 1) its linear positional marking (the predominance of back-ground determinants in the initial position and the inter-positional fixing of deterministically-driven realizations of the cause, purpose, etc.); 2) the function-propositional relation within the linear-sentence structure; 3) lexical fastening of the noun component with an analytic syntactic morpheme ↔ preposition, etc. The study of the noun-local in its primary and secondary functions, the diagnosis of the intra-rhetorical position and the parameterization of mobility, as well as the consideration of the text-creation potential of all the components of the functional-semantic paradigm of the noun-local is perspective. This is followed by an analysis of the forms of the locative noun in the functional-semantic space of locality and the disclosure of the directions of the relationship with other similar and / or non-similar entities.

Key words: case category, noun-local case, linear-positional sentence structure, subordinate adverbial syntactic connection.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1242811


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