О. І. Парфьонова


В  умовах  реформування  системи  загальної  середньої  освіти  та  старту  нової української  школи,  одним  із  пріоритетних  є  питання  підвищення  якості  освіти.  Адже відомим  є  той  факт,  що  від  того,  яким  виходить  учень  зі  школи,  які  навички  в  нього сформовані, яка ціннісна основа закладена як фундамент, залежить яким буде майбутній студент, випускник ВУЗу, громадянин країни. Проаналізоване  законодавство  України  з  визначення  поняття  доброчеснтість, зокрема  порівняно  освітянські  нормативно-правові  акти  та  інші  сфери.  Визначене проблемне  коло  питань  при  розгляді  доброчесності  у  шкільництві,  питання відповідальності  у  контексті  співмірності  вини  та  покарання.  Короткий  аналіз дослідження «Огляди  ОЕСР (Організація  економічного  співробітництва  і  розвитку)  на тему доброчесності в освіті: Україна 2017». Здійснено дослідження наявної нормативно правової  бази  щодо  визначення  поняття  доброчесності,  аналіз  проекту  ЗУ “Про  повну загальну  середню  освіту”,  узагальнений  та  систематизований  матеріал  щодо доброчесності в освіти з метою вироблення дієвого механізму забезпечення внутрішньої якості освіти в школах України.

Ключові  слова:  доброчесність,  академічна  доброчесність,  школа,  освіта,  закон, відповідальність.


 В условиях реформирования системы общего среднего образования и старта новой украинской  школы,  одним  из  приоритетных  является  вопрос  повышения  качества образования. Ведь известен тот факт, что от того, каким является ученик школы, какие навыки  у  него  сформированы,  которая  ценностная  основа  заложена  как  фундамент, зависит каким будет будущий студент, выпускник ВУЗа, гражданин страны. Проанализировано  законодательство  Украины  по  определению  понятия добродетель,  в  частности  проведено  сравнение  образовательных  нормативно-правовых актов  и  других  сфер.  Определен  проблемный  круг  вопросов  при  рассмотрении добродетели  в  школе,  вопросы  ответственности  в  контексте  соразмерности  вины  и наказания.  Краткий  анализ  исследования «Обзоры  ОЭСР (Организация  экономического сотрудничества  и  развития)  на  тему  добродетели  в  образовании:  Украина 2017». Проведено  исследование  имеющейся  нормативно  правовой  базы  относительно определения  понятия  добродетели,  анализ  проекта  ЗУ "О  среднем  образовании", обобщенный  и  систематизированный  материал  по  добропорядочности  в  образования  с целью  разработки  действенного  механизма  обеспечения  внутреннего  качества образования в школах Украины.

Ключевые  слова:  добродетель,  академическая  добродетель,  школа,  образование, закон, ответственность.


One of the priority issues is the education quality improvement issue, which is the reforming system of general secondary education and the launch of a new Ukrainian school. It is well-known that from what the student took from school, what skills were formed, which value basis is laid as a foundation, depends on who would be the future student, graduate of the university, a citizen of the country.  Target setting: to analyze the legislation of Ukraine in defining the notion of virtue, in particular to compare educational normative legal acts and other fields. Identify a range of issues when considering integrity in school, the question of responsibility in the context of proportionality of guilt and punishment. A Brief Analysis of the OECD Survey (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) on Integrity in Education: Ukraine 2017 Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Leading experts in education, namely Volodymyr Satsik, Yuri Fedorchenko, Volodimir Bahrushin from time to time addressed the issue of education of integrity, providing an effective mechanism for the system of internal quality of education, responsibility and consequences of infertility.  The research objective. study of the existing normative legal basis for the definition of the concept of integrity, analysis of the draft Law on Full-General Secondary Education, generalize and systematize material on integrity in education with the aim of developing an effective mechanism for securing the integral quality of education in schools of Ukraine. In the general understanding, the concept of integrity has a certain form, and in a higher school there is a plagiarism, in the general secondary education is only takes place formed the value content of integrity: trust, honesty, justice, mutual respect, impartiality, courage. The modern school should consider the role of plagiarism and the production of abstracts, notes, or tasks from the sites of the GDZ (ready homework). If the teachers begin to prepare for lessons and ask their own homework assignments, pay attention not only to individual works but also to collective projects, the culture of academic integrity will increase at times. Work with additional printed materials also deepened the crisis of virtue in school education, because when there is such a notebook - there is ready homework in the Internet. Thus, it is seen that there is a close connection between the professionalism of the teacher, the ability to prepare individual tasks, taking into account the particularities of a certain collection of students, student and manifestations of various kinds of unfair practices. But, as international experts have pointed out, this is not the only type of violation of integrity in education, unfortunately, the distorted system of general secondary education in Ukraine is in crisis. Conclusions. Integrating the integrity of school education is not new but controversial, since bringing to responsibility of educators or teachers at school does not have specific forms in domestic law on offenses, proportionality of guilt and punishment, consequences for a pupil or teacher or teachers, and whether it can be - the question is open. After all, the use of additional printed booklets, the production of tasks that are not unique, the answers to the electronic resources of so-called ready-made homework, are often unconscious, unprofessional work of these school teachers, which in turn motivates students to use all the sites, the profundity of the uniqueness of work for teachers often not needed.   As the analysis of the report of international experts ОЕСD and the existing rules of law in the issue of integrity, in comparison with the situation until 2014, our country has made a significant step in understanding the essence of academic integrity and integrity in the whole school education as a social prerequisite for prosperity and the recognition of universal moral norms of morality . But the awareness and change in the outlook of Ukrainian citizens is far from complete, since for years this issue has not been analyzed, it has not been analyzed, was not investigated and was not a priority in schools and universities. It is important to begin the education of integrity in the school, the inspiration of the phenomenon of plagiarism in higher educational institutions has one roots - the lack of concepts and skills to be honest in fulfilling the task, to be creative and creative, not to be afraid to do authorial, unique work.

Key words: integrity, academic integrity, school, education, law, responsibility.

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Draft Law "On Full Secondary Education" [Electronic resource]. - 2018. Mode access to the resource: https://mon.gov.ua/ru/news/mon-proponuye-dlya-gromadskogo-obgovorennya-proekt-zakonu-pro-povnu-zagalnu-serednyu-osvitu

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CORRUPTION INDEXES CPI-2017 [Electronic resource] // Transparency International - an anticorruption organization. - 26. - Resource access mode: https://tiu-ukraine.org/research/index-koruptsiyi-cpi-2017/.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2545067


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