О. П. Гужва


Творчість Лесі Українки стає важливою ланкою в усвідомленні змін у світорозумінні, що зберігає у собі полюси діонісійського та аполлонівського, з яких зростає духовна культурa.

Ключові слова: діонісійське, аполонійське, автопоезис, самозабуття, модерн, постмодерн, нумінозне..

Творчество Леси Украинки становится важным звеном в осмыслении изменений в мировосприятии, сохраняющем в себе полюсы дионисийского и аполлонического, из которых произрастает духовная культура.

Ключевые слова: дионисийское, аполлонийськое, автопоэзис, самозабытье, модерн, постмодерн, нуменозное.

Creative work of Lesya Ukrainka become an important link in understanding the changes in the perception of the world, preserving a Dionysian and Apollonian poles from which grows the spiritual culture.Dionysian and Apollonian principles are seen as poles, which form the very spiritual culture and forced to pay attention to the continuity of the process of experiencing and understanding the most complex phenomena of reality and existence. from experience to designation the nature of phenomena — such a process usually raises awareness of what is going on within the collective and individual consciousness, causing their indissoluble unity. It is within the ancient mythology that has put the problem of the Dionysian and Apollonian, we find an attempt to distinguish them from the process of life. Simultaneously Dionysus and Apollo appear as bearers of a certain shape: Dionysus is the symbol of destruction, permanent establishment and a mixture of forms; Apollo is the symbol of balance, harmony, light. On Olympus these gods are mutually exclusive. There is no confrontation between them in the framework of the ancient tragedy, which primarilyraises the problem of death as such that makes us look for the way of immortality beyond human being. In ancient mythology and ancient tragedy that occurs and is based on myths, can the origins of many of the philosophical insights of both the antiquity and the and subsequent eras. from antiquity originate through keynotes, philosophical anthropology that which is beyond human, time-limited existence is the existence of nature, the human spirit, the reality of the Universe, the existence of the gods.Thus, the Dionysian and Apollonian directly connected with the sacred, in its pagan dimension, when in the lives of people interfering gods, from whimsical which are crumbling hopes and dreams. Himself, Dionysus — son of Zeus and the mortal — this reveals the spontaneity, uncertainty being, while Apollo carries the idea of Concord and harmony, spreading it to the Universe.Note that contemporary culture is powered by both basis Apollonian and Dionysian, regretting the absence of equilibrium between them in the entire being and the way of reality.

Keywords:  Dionysian,  apollonian,  autopoiesis,  self  unconsciousness, modern, postmodern, numinosum .

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32444


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