С. О. Терепищий


Стаття присвячена філософсько-освітнім пошукам в сфері історії та аксіології світової системи навчання. В першу чергу, увага даної роботи зосереджена на індустріальному суспільстві як на специфічному фоні становлення ідеї «класичної освіти». Базуючись на науковій теорії «локальних цивілізацій» А. Тойбні, автор виділяє та описує існування п’яти освітніх ландшафтів індустріального типу, що знаходять місце в світовій історії в часовий проміжок між ХVIII та ХХ століттями. Аналізуючи спільні історичні та філософські тенденції в кожному з таких регіонів, дослідження приходить до висновку, за яким виникнення народної освіти, секуляризація системи навчання та виховання, а також початок процесу становлення егалітарної вищої школи є закономірним наслідком формування національних економік в більшості країн промислового світу.

Ключові слова: індустріальне суспільство, освітній ландшафт, університет, індустріальна революція, секуляризація.


Статья посвящена философско-образовательным поискам в области истории и аксиологии мировой системы обучения. В первую очередь, внимание данной работы сосредоточено на индустриальном обществе как на специфическом фоне становления идеи «классического образования». Основываясь на научной теории «локальных цивилизаций» А. Тойбни, автор выделяет и описывает существование пяти образовательных ландшафтов индустриального типа, которые находят место в мировой истории во временной промежуток между ХVIII и ХХ веками. Анализируя общие исторические и философские тенденции в каждом из таких регионов, исследование приходит к выводу, согласно которому возникновения народного образования, секуляризация системы обучения и воспитания, а также начало процесса становления эгалитарной высшей школы является закономерным следствием формирования национальных экономик в большинстве стран промышленного мира.

Ключевые слова: индустриальное общество, образовательный ландшафт, университет, индустриальная революция, секуляризация.


The article is devoted to the philosophic-educational findings in the field of history and axiology of education. first, this paper focuses its attention on industrial society, as the specific background of the formation of the idea of “classical education”. Based on the scientific theory of A. Toynbee’s “local civilizations”, the author identifies and describes the existence of five educational landscapes of industrial type that find their places in global history in the time period between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. After analyzing the common historical and philosophical trends in each of these regions, the study concludes that for the emergence of public education, the secularization of education and training systems, and beginning the process of becoming egalitarian high school were natural consequences of the formation of national economies in most countries of the industrial world. First of all, industrial production has never been possible without the actual quality of agricultural production — it is the second increase in performance is made possible mass flow of the labor force in the region of light and heavy industry, and manufactory is converted to the factory. from now on, fewer and fewer families have a closed mini-production, production is increasingly an organization that controls the fate of a large mass of people from here and there are new problems of collective responsibility, which are displayed on the then hereditary and the modern curriculum. It was born in the industrial age value bases of modern interpersonal relationships, there is commerce in the modern sense of the word, crystallized structure of capitalism and socialism, there is the concept of “compulsory education”. Dialectical opposites that existed during the agrarian society there remain its theoretical and practical forces, together with those was born a new attitude that recite complications educational meanings and values. “Perfect Man” is becoming more diverse, that is autonomous in its interpretation. This process of diversification of educational ideals still ongoing, and thus the value of education of the industrial age have modified their reflection in the era of globalization. The educational landscape is a universal system of interrelated causes and effects of the formation of educational values and traditions within a particular historical epoch and a particular geographic and cultural space. Based on the conceptual and empirical basis of the theory of “local civilizations” Alfred Toynbee, during the formation, development and transformation of industrial society coexisted following educational landscapes: western, Orthodox Christian, eastern Arabic, far eastern Sino-Korean and far-eastern. The beginning of the Industrial revolution marked a new historical challenges for educational systems all educational landscape of our planet. In terms of the then metamorphoses era, education is a necessary lever for economic influence. During this period, the gap between scientific invention and its embodiment in production is significantly reduced, which leads to improving the status of objective necessity of educational services. But at the same time, the practical importance of higher education in these times there is enough “restrained” in order to preserve the autonomy of the university, and lead to the classical ideal of higher education. The latter, promotes the idea of knowledge as an end in itself and entirely based on spiritual principles of learning content. The industrial revolution — a phase of development of education, secularization system of training and education, beginning the process of egalitarian reforms in the system of higher education. All of these changes were the result of objective socio-economic needs and were projected by the «spirit of the enlightenment». Analyzing trends in the industrial history of the most educational landscape, one can conclude that at within different in each place regarding similar events that occurred during the global historical reasons. The latter are closely related to the experience of every stage of formation of the state of the national economy, which in turn has an indirect impact on the educational dimension of social existence of nations.

Keywords: industrial society, the educational landscape, university, industrial revolution, secularization.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32477


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