О. П. Гужва, П. Д. Подорожний


Досліджується  ситуація  втрати  орієнтирів  у  духовному  бутті,  яка,  зокрема, відбувається наприкінці XIX століття.

Исследуется  ситуация  утраты  ориентиров  в  духовном  бытии,  которая,  в  частности, наблюдается в конце XIX века.

We study the situation of loss of orientation in spiritual being, which, in particular, observed at  the  end  of  the  XIX  century.  Nietzsche  is  one  of  those  visionaries  human  soul  who  opens spiritual vastness of space, anyone aware of the conflict and the large gaps in every human being that, in the youth separated from the umbilical cord of family life and feels distrust of why it is worshiped and loved. Perhaps like no one before him, Nietzsche makes a total reassessment of values in the spiritual plane and leads to further disintegration integrity of vision that rested on the idea of sacredness, which is taken as a liaison earth and heaven, the presence of targets that lead people through despair and frustration cementing life itself.

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