В. В. Канцурак


Корінь успіху чи проблемності ситуації в екологічному, як і в будь-якому іншому вимірі, знаходиться в людині, її свідомості, вихованості, сумлінні та культурі. Вихована, духовно і морально багата особистість ніколи не піде на перекір власному сумлінню й не створить ситуацію, яка становитиме загрозу природі і людям. Хіба що в результаті прикрої помилки. І навпаки, особистість, яка керується мотивами збагачення, безпідставного успіху чи забезпечення власного комфорту, на створення такої ситуації піде цілеспрямовано й свідомо. Відповідь на питання про те, «бути чи не бути» екобезпечному стану суспільства в Україні (власне, як в Європі і у світі), знаходиться в людині – її культурі і вихованні. Формування екологічної культури особистості і суспільства є головним завданням досягнення екобезпечного розвитку суспільства. Воно має політичний характер і потребує невідкладного теоретичного розгляду, на чому необхідно зупинитися більш детально.

Ключові поняття: людина, культура, екологія, освіта, виховання.

The source of the ecological success or problem as in any other dimension, lies in man, his consciousness, education, conscience and culture. A well-educated, spiritually and morally rich person will never challenge his own conscience and create a situation that will endanger nature and people. Only if it’s the result of an annoying mistake. Conversely, an individual who is guided by the motives of enrichment, unjustified success, or providing his or her own comfort, will purposely and deliberately create such a situation. The answer to the question of «be or not to be» in the environmentally safe state of society in Ukraine (in fact, both in Europe and in the world), lies in man - his culture and education. The formation of an ecological culture of the individual and society is the main task of achieving the eco-friendly development of society. It has a political character and needs immediate theoretical consideration, which should be studied deeply.
The measure of shaping environmental consciousness as a governmental and sociopolitical objective is the raising of civic awareness and culture. In developed countries, ecological culture has reached a high level and absolute relevance precisely because its priority has been recognized at the level of the general public.
In other words, a high level of culture of social thinking, initiative, and participation are mandatory for the formation of ecological consciousness. Of course, “the conditions of a transformative society dictate its logic of development: on the one hand, increasing crisis phenomena and exacerbating of existing ambiguities of environmental policy, both as doctrines and political practices, but on the other hand, giving the opportunity to reorient its content from the administrative model of decision-making to active involvement of society in this process. In such situation it is of particular importance that the public opinion will have an impact on the vector of further development. Ecological modernization implies not only a high degree of concern and interest, but, above all, the availability of opportunities for public self-organization, broad participation in the political decision-making process, the development of civic responsibility. And such issue requires the analysis of not only institutional reflection, but also the political and cultural foundations of relationship between society and environment. Moreover, institutional and regulatory frameworks for natural resource management are not sufficiently effective”. Therefore, the Ukrainian state should cooperate more actively with the public in organizing educational activities aimed at shaping a higher level of environmental culture.
Without this, it is impossible to hope for the greening of public consciousness, which is necessary for the Ukrainian society, that is already on the verge of ecological catastrophe. Today it is becoming more and more evident that it cannot be avoided without reaching a certain levelof ecological culture by a certain number of Ukrainian citizens.

Key concepts: man, culture, ecology, education, upbringing.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34142/23131675.2019.52.2.06


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