Р. О. Комар, Є. М. Солових


У статті визначається, що кінематограф, окрім мистецького навантаження, на сьогодні є важливою складовою культурної дипломатії. Обґрунтовано, що культурна дипломатія, як інструмент міжнародної політики «м’якої сили», відіграє у міжнародних відносинах визначальну роль. Проаналізовано основні кінофестивалі України. Визначено роль держави в їх організації. Визначено взаємозв’язок цих кінофестивалей та формуванням позитивного іміджу України на міжнародній арені.

Ключові слова: публічна дипломатія, політика м’якої сили, імідж держави, міжнародна політика, кіномистецтво, кінофестиваль.


В статье определяется, что кинематограф, кроме художественного нагрузки, сегодня является важной составляющей культурной дипломатии. Обосновано, что культурная дипломатия как инструмент международной политики «мягкой силы», играет в международных отношениях определяющую роль. Проанализированы основные кинофестивале Украины. Определена роль государства в их организации. Определена взаимосвязь этих кинофестивалей с формированием позитивного имиджа Украины на международной арене.

Ключевые слова: публичная дипломатия, политика мягкой силы, имидж государства, международная политика, киноискусство, кинофестиваль.


The article defines that cinema, in addition to artistic load, is today an important component of cultural diplomacy. The role and place of cultural diplomacy among other types of diplomacy are revealed. It is also argued that cultural diplomacy, as an instrument of international soft power policy, has played a decisive role in international relations, which since the 1990s has been the basis of most of the world's leading countries. It is stated that modern cinema is not only informing people about certain events, but also creating the history of one's own country with the help of "soft power". It has been proven that the use of film festivals mobilizes public opinion of both internal and external audiences and strengthens the level of trust in the actions of governments, allows a fuller understanding of foreign audiences. The main film festivals of Ukraine, which took place in different regions of Ukraine as of 2020, are analyzed, specific features of each of them are identified, in particular, the city where the film festival takes place and the year of its foundation, as well as those countries that participated. The role of the state in the organization of film festivals has been revealed. The interrelation of these film festivals with the formation of a positive image of Ukraine in the international arena is analyzed. As a result of the study, it was concluded that Ukraine is actively involved in film festivals in its country, which indicates its openness and at the same time, the presentation in the international arena. It should be noted that although the topics of film festivals are quite diverse, and the number of participants in these events is increasing every year, but the state policy in the field of culture is not very effective, in particular, in the organizational policy of film festivals. sites that cover various film festivals, however, it is often outdated and out of date, or non-existent. In addition, the article provides an overview of the participating countries that have participated in various Ukrainian film festivals during their holding, and found that their number ranges from eight to 4,000, however, it should be noted that they were mostly represented by countries with CIS and European countries. Thus, the participation of one or another country of the world in film festivals held in Ukraine is a reflection of the policy pursued within each of the states.

Key words: public diplomacy, soft power policy, state image, international politics, film art, film festival.

Повний текст:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34142/24130060.2020.20.1.11


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