O. O. Shcherbakova


The Aim of the study is to determine the possibilities of diagnostics of implicit theories of intelligence of pupils od middle school.

Material: The study used the original questionnaire of academic self-regulation, standardization of which is described below. The sample included 444 people (421 women and 182 men) among them - 84 pupils of the 5th form, 120 from the 6th form, 84 from the 7th form, 85 to 8th form, 70 students of the 9th form and 62 students of the 10th form of the gymnasium №169 of Kharkiv.

Results: The paper characterizes the means of psychodiagnostics of implicit theories of intelligence for middle school pupils: indicators the growth and fixed mindsets, which requires two points of view to one’s own intelligence – the first supposes somebody to believe that knowledge, abilities and competence can be acquired provided the effort or study, and the second - the abilities are mostly innate and cannot be improved. The standardization of “Implicit theories of intelligence Questionnaire” and its validity and reliability are shown.

Conclusions: According to Dweck’s mindset theory of Implicit Theories of Intelligence we consider two ways of beliefs: the growth mindset and the fixed mindset, which requires two points of view to one’s own intelligence – the first supposes somebody to believe that knowledge, abilities and competence can be acquired provided the effort or study, and the second - the abilities are mostly innate and cannot be improved. The results of the “Implicit theories of intelligence Questionnaire” standardization have shown. Its validity and reliability were proved.

Keywords: implicit theories, learning activity, the growth and fixed mindsets, hubristic motivation, motivation of learning, middle school pupils.


Стаття характеризує засоби психодіагностики імпліцитних теорій інтелекту учнів основної школи: показники нарозуваної та заданої установок, де перша передбачає віру у те, що знання, здібності та компетентність можна отримати за умовою докладання зусиль, а друга – здібності є заданими і не можуть бути вдосокналеними. Показана стандартизація методики «Опитувальника імпліцитних теорій здібностей» та її валідність та надійність.

Ключові слова: імпліцитні теорії здібностей, навчальна діяльність, теорії нарощених та заданих здібностей, губристична мотивація, мотивація навчання, учні основної школи.

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